Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării Ştiinţifice.
Limba modernă-engleză.
Clasa a patra.
Semestrul al doilea.
Pupil's Book.
Jenny Dooley – Virginia Evans.
Grup Educaţional.
Uniscan Grup Educaţional.
Express Publishing.
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Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării Ştiinţifice.
Limba modernă-engleză.
Clasa a patra.
Semestrul al doilea.
Pupil's Book.
Jenny Dooley – Virginia Evans.
Programa şcolară pentru disciplina LIMBA MODERNĂ Clasele a treia, a patra,
aprobată prin Anexa nr. 2 la ordinul ministrului educaţiei naţionale nr.
Siguranţa copiilor pe Internet.
internet helpline.
80 pagini.
116.111 - numărul de telefon european de asistenţă pentru copii.
pagina 2.
page 2.
Competences. Vocabulary. Structures. Project.
Starter Unit.
(page 4-7).
Let’s start!
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies,
4.2. Write simple messages about oneself and others.
• revision.
• habits.
Module 4.
Unit 7.
(page 8-13).
7a. Animal elections.
7b. The new president.
7c. Animal homes.
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral
messages (films, songs for children).
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies,
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
• animals.
• habitats.
• comparisons.
Write about your country.
Unit 8.
(page 14-23).
8a. A little green man.
8b. Who was it?
8c. Just the other day.
Troll Tales! 4.
Go Green! 4.
Our World.
(Units 7 - 8).
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral
messages (films, songs for children).
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies,
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
4.1. Fill in a form with personal information.
• feelings.
• adjectives.
• buildings.
• was, were Write about what you were like as a baby.
Module 5.
Unit 9.
(page 24-29).
9a. Knights and castles.
9b. It kicked me!
9c. A knight for a day!
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral
messages (films, songs for children).
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies,
2.2. Identify and present everyday activities.
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
• knights.
• castles.
• kings.
• queens.
• present simple.
• present continuous.
Write what you did last weekend (optional).
Unit 10.
(page 30-39)
10a. Willow’s story.
10b. I love this tree!
10c. A better place.
Troll Tales! 5.
Go Green! 5.
Our World.
(Units 9 - 10).
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral
messages (films, songs for children).
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies,
2.2. Identify and present everyday activities.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
• verbs.
• jobs.
• famous people.
• present simple.
Write about a famous person.
pagina 3.
page 3.
Competences. Vocabulary. Structures. Project.
Module 6.
Unit 11.
(page 40-45).
11a. The fairy garden.
11b. Helping Erlina.
11c. The wishing well.
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral
messages (films, songs for children).
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies,
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
• fairy animals.
• months.
• ordinals.
• question words.
• will (optional).
Write what life will be like in the future (optional).
Unit 12.
(page 46-55).
12a. We’re going to fly.
12b. Port Fairy.
12c. Fly away!
Troll Tales! 6.
Go Green! 6.
Our World.
(Units 11 - 12).
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral
messages (films, songs for children).
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies,
2.2. Identify and present everyday activities.
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
4.1. Fill in a form with personal information.
• holidays.
• things to take on holiday.
• holiday activities.
• be going to.
Write about your holiday plans.
Our School.
(page 56-58).
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies,
2.2. Identify and present everyday activities.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
4.1. Fill in a form with personal information.
(page 59-61).
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
4.1. Fill in a form with personal information.
Happy Easter!
(page 62-63).
1.2. Follow simple guided instructions in order to achieve an objective.
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
Father’s Day.
(page 64-65).
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies,
Fun Time.
(page 66-79).
1.2. Follow simple guided instructions in order to achieve an objective.
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
3.2. Identify important information in texts that present events.
4.1 Fill in a form with personal information.
4.2 Write simple messages about oneself and others.
(page 80).
pagina 4.
page 4.
Starter Unit.
Let's Start!
1. Answer Erlina’s questions. Then use the questions to interview your friend.
Hello, I’m Erlina.
What’s your name?
What’s your friend’s name?
What’s he, she like?
What are your father’s and mother’s names?
How old are they? What is their job?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
What do you like doing in your free time?
2. All about me! Read and complete in your notebook.
All about me!
This is me.
My name is. and I am. years old.
I come from. and I live in.
My mother’s name is. and my father’s name is.
I go to. school and my teacher’s name is.
My best friend’s name is. We have a lot of fun together.
Our favourite game is.! What about you?
Post a comment.
Starter Unit.
pagina 5.
page 5.
3. Magic Numbers!
Choose a number. 20.
Add (+) 5. 25.
Multiply (times) the number by 2. 50.
Take away (minus) 4. 46.
Divide (÷) the number by 2. 23.
Take away (minus) the first number and the number is. 3.
4. Find the word.
Write and match in your notebook.
1. z z p i a.
2. v l i i o n.
3. w e s e t s.
4. j u p e r m.
5. g p r a e s.
6. a t s k e a r b o d.
7. s r f c a.
8. y j p a s a m.
a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.
Starter Unit.
pagina 6.
page 6.
Starter Unit.
5. Is it healthy or not? Decide with your friend and choose or . Tell the class.
My Habits.
walk to school.
go to bed late.
play sports.
watch TV all the time.
exercise every day.
drink cola.
get up early every day.
eat fruit and vegetables.
It is healthy to.
It isn’t healthy to.
Starter Unit.
pagina 7.
page 7.
Let's play!
A. B. C. D. E.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
8. 19. 44.
Starter Unit.
pagina 8.
page 8.
Unit 7a.
Animal elections.
1. Listen and read.
Welcome, friends! It’s time to choose a new president.
2. I’m taller than anyone else.
Vote for me!
Thank you, Mr Giraffe. Your turn, Miss Elephant.
3. I’m bigger than anyone else.
Vote for me!
But I’m faster than you!
And I live longer than you!
4. Quiet, everyone!
It’s time to vote.
5. Listen now! We have a new president.
2. Read and match in your notebook.
1. The giraffe is.
2. The elephant is.
3. The cheetah is.
a. faster than anyone else.
b. taller than anyone else.
c. bigger than anyone else.
Module 4.
pagina 9.
page 9.
cheetah. tortoise. parrot. lizard. tiger. panda. weak.
A giraffe is taller than a horse. A cheetah is faster than a lion.
tall – taller.
fast – faster.
big – bigger.
happy – happier.
good – better.
bad – worse.
3. Look, read and choose. Write the words in your notebook.
1. The cheetah is faster, slower than the lion.
2. The elephant is bigger, smaller than the hippo.
3. The giraffe is shorter, taller than the zebra.
4. The lizard has got a shorter, longer tail than the tortoise.
5. The panda is fatter, slimmer than the monkey.
4. Listen and write yes or no in your notebook. Then say.
1. no. 2. 3. 4.
The green panda isn’t taller than the pink panda.
1. 2. 3. 4.
5. Work with your friend.
Who. Me. My friend.
1. has got bigger feet?
2. is taller?
3. is better at Maths?
4. has got shorter hair?
5. has got longer arms?
My Magic Files.
my Magic Trick.
Module 4.
pagina 10.
page 10.
Unit 7b.
The new president!
1. Listen and read.
1. The animal with the most votes is Mr Ant!
2. Mr Ant? But he’s the smallest!
Yes, but he’s the hardest worker!
3. Thank you, everyone. This is the best day of my life!
4. Hip! Hip! Hurray!
5. I promise to do my best for all of you!
6. Mr President, can I have the first dance?
2. Read and complete in your notebook.
Mr Ant is the new 1) p. He is the 2) s, but he’s the 3) h. worker.
This is the 4) b. day of Mr Ant’s life.
Module 4.
pagina 11.
page 11.
snail. kangaroo. river. mountain. lake.
The ant is the hardest worker of all.
The cheetah is the fastest animal in the world.
hard – the hardest.
fast – the fastest.
big – the biggest.
happy – the happiest.
good – the best.
bad – the worst.
3. Read and write A, B or C in your notebook.
1. It’s the smallest animal.
A. B. C.
2. She’s the strongest woman.
A. B. C.
3. He’s the youngest boy.
4. It’s got the shortest tail.
4. Look and complete in your notebook.
1. Mumble has got the shortest (short) legs.
2. Dumbo has got. (big) ears.
3. Tweety is. (small) of all.
4. Tasmanian Devil has got. (big) mouth.
5. Scrat has got. (long) tail.
5. Let's play!
Jill is the cleverest pupil of all.
Module 4.
pagina 12.
page 12.
Unit 7c.
Animal homes.
1. Listen and write where they live in your notebook.
The cheetah in the grassland -
Faster than a man!
The cheetah in the grassland -
The fastest in the land!
The python in the rainforest -
Longer than a man!
The python in the rainforest -
The longest in the land!
The camel in the desert -
Stronger than a man!
The camel in the desert -
The strongest in the land!
The whale in the ocean -
Larger than a man!
The whale in the ocean -
The largest in the land!
• Now sing along!
2. Let's play!
I’m yellow and brown. I’m the fastest animal in the world.
I live in the grassland.
You’re a cheetah!
Module 4.
pagina 13.
page 13.
python. rainforest. camel. desert. whale. ocean. gorilla. jungle.
3. Read and complete in your notebook.
Then listen and read.
Taipei 101 in Taiwan is the 1 ) tallest building in the world.
It’s got 101 floors!
It’s also got the 2). lifts in the world – you can get from the main floor to
the top in about 40 seconds!
Yorkshire terriers are one of the 3). dogs in the world.
Would you like a puppy in a cup?
The Sahara Desert in Africa is the 4). desert in the world.
It’s almost as big as the USA!
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
London is the biggest city in my country.
The river Severn is the longest river.
5. Listen and say. Then read.
Hurry! The cheetah and the whale need our help!
Module 4.
pagina 14.
page 14.
Unit 8a.
A little green man.
1. Listen and read.
1. Harry! You’re late.
We were worried!
I was with my dad.
2. Ooh! My favourite game!
We were ready to play without you!
3. I’m hungry!
Don’t worry. Gran’s making popcorn.
4. What’s the matter?
There was a little green man out there!
5. A little green man?
Yes! I was really scared – and angry, too!
6. Poor Gran!
I’m sure it was Alvin!
2. Read and choose. Write A or B in your notebook.
1. We were worried!
A. Emma. B. Mona.
2. I was with my dad.
A. Harry. B. Lee.
3. I was really scared!
A. Gran. B. Harry.
Module 4.
pagina 15.
page 15.
worried. scared. tired. bored. angry. hungry. thirsty.
I was really scared!
He, She, It was very thirsty.
We, You, They were very tired.
There was a car in the street last night.
There were two boys in the garden yesterday.
3. Read and choose. Then act out.
1. All my friends were at my party. I was very sad, happy !
2. I was alone all day. I was very worried, bored!
3. The bus was late. I was very hungry, angry!
4. There was a film about ghosts on TV. I was really scared, thirsty!
4. Listen and choose. Then say.
There were two cars outside the bank.
5. Look, read and complete in your notebook.
Last Sunday, Danny 1) was in his room. He 2). on his bed.
His dog, Spot, 3). on the carpet next to the bed.
Danny’s computer games 4). on his desk. There 5). a cartoon on TV.
My Magic Files.
my Magic Trick.
Module 4.
pagina 16.
page 16.
Unit 8b.
Who was it?
1. Listen and read.
1. Were you in my garden last night?
No, I wasn’t!
2. I was at the funfair with Erlina!
Oh, yes! It was great!
3. If it wasn’t you, who was it then?
4. Look, it’s my dad!
Your dad?
5. Where were you last night?
At the hospital!
Look at my head!
2. Read and complete in your notebook.
Alvin wasn’t in Mona’s 1) g. yesterday. He was at the 2) f. with Erlina.
Alvin’s 3) d. was at the 4) h. last night.
Module 4.
pagina 17.
page 17.
hospital. station. museum. café. theatre. library.
I was not (wasn’t) at school yesterday.
They were not (weren’t) at the café.
Were you in my garden yesterday?
Yes, I was. No, I wasn’t.
3. Ask and answer.
A: Where was Harry last Saturday?
B: He was at the museum.
4. There was a robbery at Mr Frog’s house. Take roles and act out.
Living room.
8 o'clock.
9 o'clock.
Who was the robber?
Read and say.
The robber wasn’t in the garden at 8 o’clock.
The robber was with Mr Frog in the living room at 8 o’clock.
But at 9 o’clock the robber was in the garden. The robber was.
Were you in the garden at 9 o’clock, Mr Rabbit?
No, I wasn’t.
5. Let's play!
Were you at the café yesterday?
No, I wasn’t!
Module 4.
pagina 18.
page 18.
Unit 8c.
Just the other day.
1. Listen and write in your notebook.
Haagh, Aagh, Uugh!
Just the other day.
I was really bored,
I was all alone,
I was on my own!
And when I’m bored,
This is what I do –
You can do it, too .
Haagh, Aagh, Uugh!
Feels good!
Argh, Ohh, Ugh!
1. bored.
• Now sing and do!
2. Talk with your friend.
How do you feel when.
• you see a spider?
• you smell fresh bread?
• your team wins?
• you go to the park?
• you break a toy?
• you have a birthday party?
• you lose your money?
I feel scared when I see a spider. How about you?
I feel scared, too!
Module 4.
pagina 19.
page 19.
noisy. shy. naughty. quiet. win.
3. Read and complete in your notebook. Then listen and read.
This is a photo of me when I was young.
I was really noisy!
My favourite food was carrots. I still love carrots!
My favourite animal was my cat, Fluffy.
Fluffy and I are the same age.
But the best thing of all was. my bike! It was really cool!
when I was young.
my favourite food:
my favourite animal:
my favourite thing:
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
This is a photo of me when I was young.
I was really quiet!
5. Listen and say. Then read.
My three favourite friends were at the theatre on Friday.
Module 4.
pagina 20.
page 20.
Troll Tales!
Episode 4: Listen and read.
1. Hey, where’s the table?
I don’t know! It was there an hour ago!
2. Huh! Where’s the armchair?
3. Trog, there was a vase on that table, wasn’t there?
Yes, there was!
That’s really strange!
4. Shh! Look!
Aha! So it was Popsie!
5 .Grr! Popsie!
Where are our things?
6. Grr! You little monster!
Happy cleaning, boys! Hee, hee!
• Now take roles and read.
Module 4.
pagina 21.
page 21.
Go Green! 4.
Help me, please!
1. Why is the penguin unhappy? Read and answer.
Here come the bottles.
Now the cans.
And a lot of rubbish!
My home is a mess. Can you help me, please?
2. What can harm sea animals? Read and choose.
Write in your notebook.
3. Portfolio: Help an animal find a home.
A clean ocean in Antarctica.
Must have a lot of fresh fish.
No rubbish, please!
contact: Pedro the penguin.
pagina 22.
page 22.
Our world.
1. Read and complete in your notebook.
Use: oldest, cleanest, busiest.
London in the UK is one of the 1). cities in the world.
Thousands of people visit this city every year.
It is THE capital to visit if you want some fun!
Varanasi, on the banks of the river Ganges in India, is one of the 2). cities in
the world.
It is thousands of years old and is home to poets, writers and musicians.
It is called the cultural capital of India.
Singapore, in south-east Asia, is a large modern city.
It is one of the 3). cities in the world – you can’t drop litter or chew gum in
this city!
2. Write about a city in your country. Use some of these words:
hottest, biggest, smallest, nicest, cleanest, coolest, oldest.
You can find information on the Internet.
Module 4.
pagina 23.
page 23.
Units 7 - 8.
1. Look and choose. Write A or B in your notebook.
2. A hungry.
B. thirsty.
1. A happy.
B. sad.
3. A. scared.
B. tired.
4. A bored.
B. late.
2. Read and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. An elephant is bigger, the biggest than a rhino.
2. A lizard’s got a longer, the longest tail than a tortoise.
3. The giraffe is taller, the tallest animal in the world.
4. The cheetah is faster, the fastest animal in the world.
5. A bear is stronger, the strongest than a kangaroo.
6. The whale is larger, the largest animal in the world.
3. Read and complete.
Write in your notebook.
A: Where 1). you yesterday, Tina?
B: I 2). at the cinema.
A: 3). the children with you?
B: No, they 4).. They 5). at the funfair.
A: 6). it a good film?
B: No, it 7). I was really bored!
4. Read and complete.
Write in your notebook.
A: What were you like when you were young?
B: I was 1). How about you?
A: I was really 2). !
Now I can.
• compare animals and people.
• talk about animal homes.
• talk about feelings.
• say where people were.
• say what I was like when I was young.
in English.
Module 4.
pagina 24.
page 24.
Unit 9a.
Knights and castles.
1. Listen and read.
1. There’s the castle! Wow!
2. Kings and queens lived here a long time ago.
3. They lived like film stars! They dressed in expensive clothes.
4. They listened to music and danced all night.
5. The knights dressed in suits of armour.
6. Hello!
2. Read and complete in your notebook.
1. Kings and queens. ago.
2. They. all night.
3. The knights. armour.
Module 5.
pagina 25.
page 25.
suit of armour. castle. king. queen. hunt. bake. oven. butler. carry.
Kings lived here a long time ago. listen – listened. live – lived.
stop – stopped. study – studied.
3. Look, read and match in your notebook.
A feast was a very special meal.
Everyone in the castle worked hard to prepare for it:
1. The hunters hunted birds and other animals.
2. The cooks worked in the kitchen all day long.
They baked bread in big ovens.
3. The butlers carried the food to the Great Hall.
4. At the feast, the knights and the ladies danced all night long!
4. Listen and match in your notebook.
A party at school.
1. Harry.
2. Emma.
3. Lee.
4. Mona.
a. carried tables and chairs.
b. baked a chocolate cake.
c. played the guitar.
d. painted some pictures.
5. Let's play!
Yesterday, I played football.
Yesterday, I played football and video games.
Module 5.
pagina 26.
page 26.
Unit 9b.
It kicked me!
1. Listen and read.
1. Harry, what happened?
It kicked me!
No, it didn’t! Quick!
Let’s pick it up!
2. Be careful!
Did the knight talk?
3. What’s wrong?
That knight moved and talked!
4. Sorry! I didn’t want to scare you!
Oh, Alvin!
5. I wanted to be a knight for a day!
2 Read and choose. Write A or B in your notebook.
1. Let’s pick it up!
A. Harry. B. Mona.
2. Be careful!
A. the knight. B. Lee.
3. What’s wrong?
A. Alvin. B. Emma.
Module 5.
pagina 27.
page 27.
pick up. chess. sail. palace. deer.
3. What did Brainy do last night? Listen and write yes or no in your notebook.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
4. A king for a week! Complete in your notebook. Choose A or B.
MONDAY: I play music all morning.
WEDNESDAY: I sail down the River Thames to my summer palace.
FRIDAY: I play tennis. It is fun!
SUNDAY: I hunt deer in the park near my palace.
1. Does he play music on Monday?
A. Yes, he does.
B. No, he doesn’t.
2. .he. down the river on Friday?
A. Yes, he does.
B. No, he doesn’t.
3. .he. tennis on Monday?
A. Yes, he does.
B. No, he doesn’t.
4. .he. deer on Sunday?
A. Yes, he does.
B. No, he doesn’t.
5. Talk with your friend.
A: What do you like doing every day?
B: I like playing computer games.
What about you?
A: I like playing chess.
My Magic Files!
my Magic Trick.
Module 5.
pagina 28.
page 28.
Unit 9c.
A knight for a day!
1. Listen and read.
Life was so fine, you know,
Hundreds of years ago.
I wish there was a way.
To be a knight for just one day!
They lived in big castles,
They danced with the Queen.
They travelled on horses.
And looked like machines!
They fenced in the morning.
And played chess at night.
They guarded the castle.
And learned how to fight!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
• Now sing along!
2. Talk with your friend.
1. A: One! What are the knights doing?
B: They’re fencing.
Module 5.
pagina 29.
page 29.
machine. fence. guard. fight. motorbike.
3. Read and complete in your notebook. Then listen and read.
Dear Aunt Sara,
Here are some photos of the 1) castle we visited last Friday.
It was great!
We all travelled on the school 2).
It was a long journey, but we all played games and listened to 3).
It was great fun! At the castle we looked at some paintings and some 4).
They were really cool! Then we watched a film about 5).
We liked it a lot! On the way home we stopped at a big 6).
We played on the game machines.
It was a fantastic day! I hope you like the photos.
Love and kisses,
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
Dear Uncle George,
Last weekend I travelled to London with my mum and dad.
It was great fun!
5. Listen and say.
Then read.
The knight with the light was in a fight last night.
Module 5.
pagina 30.
page 30.
Unit 10a.
Willow's story.
1. Listen and read.
1. Willow, what’s this?
Oh, it’s a long story!
2. Well, it was a long time ago.
Oh, tell us. What happened?
3. A young boy came into the forest. He climbed up to my top branch!
He sat and looked around.
He was very happy. He could see the whole forest.
4. Suddenly, it started to rain. My branches got very wet!
5. And then what?
He stood up, but then he slipped and fell.
2. Read and correct in your notebook.
1. An old man came into the forest.
2. He was very sad.
3. Suddenly, it started to snow.
4. The children were wet.
Module 5.
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page 31.
top branch. slip. fall.
3. Read, choose and complete in your notebook.
go. stand. come. eat. sit.
Harry, Mona and Emma 1) go for a picnic in the forest.
They 2). near a big tree and 3). their sandwiches.
Suddenly, it starts to rain so they 4). and 5). under the big tree.
They hear a voice, “Welcome to the Magic Forest.” It is Willow!
Then Alvin and Erlina 6). to say hello.
The children are very happy to meet their new friends!
4. Listen and number in your notebook.
a. b. c. d. e.
5. Act out Lizzie’s story.
Lizzie is at the park.
My Magic Files!
my Magic Trick.
Module 5.
pagina 32.
page 32.
Unit 10b.
I love this tree!
get hurt
1. Listen and read.
1. Did the boy get hurt?
2. He landed on another branch and it broke.
3. But he didn’t get hurt, thanks to Erlina.
4. So, that’s how you lost your branch.
Where’s the young boy now?
5. He’s a man now. And you all know him.
There you are!
6. This tree saved my life when I was young.
I love this tree!
Yes, Dad. So do we!
2. Read and choose. Write a or b in your notebook.
1. Where’s the young boy now?
a. Harry. b. Mona.
2. He’s a man now.
a. Lee. b. Willow.
3. I love this tree!
a. Dad. b. Lee.
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page 33.
land. break. lose. save.
3. Look, read and match in your notebook.
1. She loses her shoe.
2. He makes a puppet.
3. She gives her an apple.
4. They see a beanstalk.
5. She reads a book.
6. The cat wears a hat and boots.
A. Puss in Boots.
B. Pinocchio.
C. Cinderella.
D. Jack and the Beanstalk.
E. Alice in Wonderland.
F. Snow White.
4. Interview your friend. Write yes or no in your notebook.
What do you usually do at the weekend?
1. go to the park?
2. ride your bike?
3. play with your friends?
4. watch TV?
5. do your homework?
6. go to bed early?
5. Now tell the class.
My friend Sam usually goes to the park, but he never rides his bike.
6. Let's play!
I go to the zoo.
I play football.
I do my homework.
You don’t go to the zoo.
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page 34.
Unit 10c.
A better place.
nurse. writer.
1. What were they? Write in your notebook.
Then listen and point.
Astronauts and doctors,
Nurses, writers, teachers -
They made the world a better place,
They did it for the human race!
They did what they did,
They gave it their best!
And now it is up to us.
To try and do the rest!
Artists and composers,
Athletes, actors, dancers -
They made the world a better place,
They did it for the human race!
Charles Dickens.
Florence Nightingale.
Rudolf Nureyev.
Antonio Vivaldi.
Leonardo da Vinci.
Yuri Gagarin.
• Now sing along!
2. Let's play!
Who was a painter?
Leonardo da Vinci.
Module 5.
pagina 35.
page 35.
artist. composer. athlete. actor. actress.
3. Read and match in your notebook. Then listen and read.
A. B. C.
1. Judy Garland was a famous singer and actress.
She started singing when she was just a child.
As a young girl, she played the part of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz.
2. Charlie Chaplin was a famous actor.
Everyone loved his films because they were very funny.
They called him The Little Tramp.
3. Jesse Owens was a famous athlete.
He won four gold medals in the 1936 Olympics – the first American in history to
do this.
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
Taylor Swift is a famous singer. My favourite song is Wonderland.
5. Listen and say. Then read.
The doctor wanted to be an actor and a dancer!
Module 5.
pagina 36.
page 36.
Troll Tales!
Episode 5: Listen and read.
1. Popsie, did you take my glasses?
No, I didn’t!
2. Popsie, did you take my shoes?
No, I didn’t!
3. Well, if it wasn’t Popsie, who was it then?
4. It was me! I cleaned your glasses, I washed your shoes and I made popcorn for
5. Ha, ha, that’s funny!
We don’t believe in ghosts, Popsie!
6. Ghosts? AAAAhhhhhh! Help!
• Now take roles and read.
Module 5.
pagina 37.
page 37.
Go Green! 5.
Tree Detectives!
There are many different types of trees in the world.
How can you tell what type of tree it is? Easy!
Just look at its leaves – each tree has got leaves that are different in shape
and size.
Here’s an example:
Rowan. Birch. Hazel. Elder. Holly. Yew.
1. Be a Tree Detective.
Do the puzzle in your notebook and find the missing word!
Why are trees and elephants the same?
pagina 38.
page 38.
Our world.
A. Warwick Castle is one of the most famous castles in England.
Queen Elizabeth I visited the castle and Queen Victoria had lunch there.
Today, you can visit the castle and have lunch there, too!
B. Chambord Castle is in France.
It is one of the most beautiful castles in France – it looks like something out
of a fairy tale!
Drew Barrymore made a film called “Ever After” in this castle.
C. Dublin Castle is in Ireland. The tower is 800 years old!
The tower was a prison, but now it’s a museum!
There is also a gift shop where you can buy souvenirs.
1. Which castle? Read and write A, B or C in your notebook.
1. It is in France.
2. The tower was a prison but now it’s a museum.
3. You can have lunch there.
2. Portfolio: Write about a castle or an old building in your country.
You can find information on the Internet.
Module 5.
pagina 39.
page 39.
Units 9 - 10.
1. Look and write in your notebook.
1. w. 2. c. 3. a. 4. a. 5. a.
2. Look, read and complete in your notebook.
1. I want to be a knight for a day.
2. He lives in a.!
3. My mum can . a cake for us!
4. Let’s. down the river!
5. My big brother has got a.
6. Can you see the nest on the?
3. Read and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. What do you like do, doing every day?
2. I play, playing tennis every day.
3. Do, Does he play chess on Monday?
4. Emma go, goes for a picnic at the weekend.
5. Why are you climb, climbing up the tree?
4. Read and number in your notebook.
A: What do you do at the weekend?
A: I play with my friends.
B: I go to the cinema. What about you?
Now I can.
• talk about life in the past.
• talk about things that we do, like doing every day, at the weekend.
• tell a story
in English.
Module 5.
pagina 40.
page 40.
Unit 11a.
The fairy garden.
1. Listen and read.
1. Why are you so happy today, Erlina?
I’m getting my garden ready for Fairy Day!
2. When’s Fairy Day?
On 24th June.
3. Oh, what are these?
They’re fairy armadillos!
4. And these are fairy flowers and fairy fish!
5. Now, say hello to Faye and Fifi, the Fairy penguins!
2. Read and complete in your notebook.
1. Erlina is getting her. ready for Fairy day.
2. Fairy Day is on 24th..
3. There are fairy armadillos, fairy flowers and fairy.!
4. Faye and Fifi are Fairy.!
Module 6.
pagina 41.
page 41.
January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October.
November. December.
Who is Mike?
He’s my cousin.
What are these?
They’re fairy armadillos.
When’s Fairy Day?
On 24th June.
Where’s Tracy?
She’s at the cinema.
Why are you so tired?
Because I went to bed late.
How old are you?
I’m ten years old.
3. Complete in your notebook. Then answer.
1. What’s your favourite colour?
2.’s your best friend?
3.’s your birthday?
4. do you spell your name?
4. Match in your notebook.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. 12. 21.
twelfth. ninth. fourth. first. twenty - first. second. fifth. third.
• Now listen, point and repeat.
5. Read and write in your notebook.
1. C is the. letter of the alphabet.
2. April is the. month of the year.
3. May Day is on the. of May.
4. L is the. letter of the alphabet.
5. Monday is the. day of the week.
6. Let's play!
Why can’t elephants fly?
Why. Because.
Module 6.
pagina 42.
page 42.
Unit 11b.
Helping Erlina.
1. Listen and read.
1. Will you help me with my garden?
Oh, yes!
2. Thank you! Who will get some water from the well?
We will!
3. And who will feed Faye and Fifi?
We’ll feed them!
4. Will you give them a bath, too?
Of course!
5. The garden is ready for Fairy Day! I hope it won’t rain.
6. Bye, Erlina.
We’ll see you next week.
2. Read and say yes or no.
1. Lee and Harry can get water from the well.
2. Alvin can feed Faye and Fifi.
3. Emma and Mona can give Faye and Fifi a bath.
Module 6.
pagina 43.
page 43.
beard. moustache. CD player. blanket.
3. Look, read and write yes or no in your notebook.
I will (I’ll) have a big car.
I will not (won’t) have a big house.
1. He’ll have a big house.
2. He’ll wear glasses.
3. He’ll have a beard and a moustache.
4. He’ll ride a motorbike.
5. He’ll have a dog.
6 He’ll have two children.
4. Listen and match in your notebook.
1. Michael
2. Robert
3. Helen
4. Katy
a. will buy the cola.
b. will make a cake.
c. will bring a blanket.
d. will bring a CD player.
My Magic Files!
my Magic Trick.
Module 6.
pagina 44.
page 44.
Unit 11c.
The wishing well.
1. Listen and choose the best title. Write A, B or C in your notebook.
Fairy flowers and fairy fish -
Will you help us make a wish?
Fairy bluebird, fairy wren,
Close your eyes and count to ten!
In the Magic Garden.
We’ll make a magic spell.
We’ll throw a silver coin.
In the wishing well!
Fairy flowers and fairy fish -
Will you help us make a wish?
Fairy penguin, fairy bell,
We’ll see you by the wishing well!
A. The Magic Garden.
B. The Silver Coin.
C. The Fairy Animals.
• Now sing along!
2. Throw a coin in the wishing well and make a wish. What will you ask for?
an A in my test.
a present for my mum.
a new bike.
a ball for my dog.
a new coat for my gran.
curly hair.
Can I have a?
• Compare your answers with your friend.
Module 6.
pagina 45.
page 45.
bluebird. throw. silver coin. fairy bell.
3. Read and complete in your notebook. Then listen and read.
Life in the Future.
In the future we’ll go on holiday to the moon.
We’ll get all our energy from the sun – we won’t need electricity!
Beth Williams, 9.
In the future we’ll wear shoes that can fly.
We’ll travel by air everywhere!
Mark James, 7.
In the future we’ll wear T-shirts with computers on them.
Phones will be a small chip on our finger.
Simon Morris, 10.
In the future..
1. we. the moon.
2. we. from the sun.
3. we. can fly.
4. we. computers on them.
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
In the future we’ll have robots.
They’ll do everything – perhaps even our homework!
5. Listen and say. Then read.
A green giant guards the magic garden!
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page 46.
Unit 12a.
We’re going to fly.
1. Listen and read.
1. Look!
We’re going to go on that plane to Port Fairy!
2. Your suitcase is very big, Harry!
Well, I’m going to need a lot of things!
3. Oh, no! My swimming trunks!
Ugh! There’s sun cream on everything!
4. I’m going to miss Alvin!
Don’t worry. Look!
5. Alvin and Erlina are going to come, too.
6. Now we’re ALL going to fly!
2. Read and choose. Write A or B in your notebook.
1. Your suitcase is very big!
A. Harry. B. Lee.
2. I’m going to miss Alvin!
A. Harry. B. Mona.
3. We’re ALL going to fly!
A. Alvin. B. Erlina.
Module 6.
pagina 47.
page 47.
swimming trunks. swimsuit. sun cream. sunglasses. sleeping bag. sandals.
I’m going to need a sleeping bag.
We’re going to go on that plane.
He’s going to come with us.
They’re going to visit the museum.
3. What are Pog and Trog going to do next week?
Look and say. Then write in your notebook.
Monday: visit Mog.
Wednesday: dentist.
Thursday: play football.
Saturday: Popsie’s party.
1. Pog and Trog are going to visit Mog next Monday.
2. They. the dentist next Wednesday.
3. They. football next Thursday.
4. They. to Popsie’s party.
• What about you? Tell your friend.
4. Listen and write the names in your notebook. Then draw the missing items.
1. Harry.
5. Now look and say.
Harry is going to take his shorts.
pagina 48.
page 48.
Unit 12b.
Port Fairy.
surf. wetsuit.
1. Listen and read.
1. What are we going to do today?
Port Fairy is so cool!
2. No, we aren’t. But we’re going to go sailing.
Are we going to go surfing, Miss?
3. Alvin! What are you wearing?
A wetsuit.
I’m going to go diving!
4. Look! Alvin is swimming with the dolphins!
5. We’re going to have a great summer! Have a nice holiday, everyone!
2. Read and say yes or no.
1. The children are at Port Mary.
2. They’re going to go sailing.
3. Alvin’s wearing a wetsuit.
4. He’s swimming with the dolphins.
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pagina 49.
page 49.
dive. camp. souvenir. rucksack. map. tent.
I’m not going to go camping.
Are we going to go surfing?
Yes, we are./No, we aren’t.
3. It’s Nature Day tomorrow.
What are they going to do? Ask and answer.
Jake. Jilly.
pack a rucksack.
buy a map.
go camping.
buy souvenirs.
go diving.
go surfing.
A: Is Jake going to pack a rucksack?
B: Yes, he is. Is Jilly going to pack a rucksack?
A: No, she isn’t.
4. Read and answer.
Imagine you’re going to go camping.
1. Where are you going to go?
2. Who are you going to go with?
3. How are you going to get there?
4. What are you going to take with you?
5. What are you going to do when you get there?
• Compare your answers with your friend.
I’m going to go camping in Snowdonia.
My friend is going to go to Black Rock.
5. Complete in your notebook. Then sing along!
I’m going to 1) swim!
I’m going to swim!
I’m going to swim in the sea so 2).!
Be careful! Be careful!
A big white shark.
Is going to 3). you!
I’m going to camp! I’m going to camp!
I’m going to camp in a 4). for two!
Be careful! Be careful!
A big black 5).
Is going to come, too!
6. Let's play!
Yes, I am.
Are you going to be a singer?
Module 6.
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page 50.
Unit 12c.
Fly away!
1. Read and complete in your notebook.
Then listen and check.
We are going to fly to the sky,
We are going on holiday!
Yes, we’re going to fly on the wings of a 1) dove.
Singing Polly - Wolly - Doodle all the day!
Fly away!
Fly away!
We are going to fly away!
We are going away on a 2).
Singing Polly - Wolly - Doodle all the day!
We are going to fly to the sky,
We are going on holiday!
Yes, we’re going to send you lots of 3).
Singing Polly - Wolly - Doodle all the day!
• Now sing along!
2. I am you! Imagine you are your friend. Complete in your notebook.
• My favourite colour is.
• My lucky number is.
• I like.
• I don’t like.
• This evening I’m going to.
• When I grow up I’m going to.
• Compare your answers with your friend.
Module 6.
pagina 51.
page 51.
dove. wing. sky. wave. handbag.
3. Read and choose. Write the words in your notebook.
Then listen and check.
Hi Ben!
I’m going to go 1) camping. skiing. with my dad next weekend.
We’re going to take a big 2) house. tent. and camp by a river.
We’re going to go fishing!
I hope it’s going to be 3) snowy. sunny. because I want to go swimming, too!
My dad and I are going to make a big fire and 4) cook. fix. our own food.
It’s going to be great!
What are you going to do 5) next. last. weekend?
See you soon.
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
Hi Julie!
I’m going to go surfing next weekend. I hope it’s going to be sunny.
What are you going to do next weekend?
5. Listen and say. Then read.
I’m going on holiday to fly and play in the sky!
Module 6.
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page 52.
Troll Tales!
Episode 6: Listen and read.
1. We’ll get you, Popsie!
2. Ouch!
What’s that, Pog?
3. Look. It’s got wings and claws!
Be careful! It’s a baby dragon!
4. Hmm! One day it’ll be a big dragon, and it’ll be our best friend!
5. Oh, it’s so cute!
Can we keep it?
6. Oops!
Ha, ha. Nice dragon!
• Now take roles and read.
Module 6.
pagina 53.
page 53.
Go Green! 6.
Earth Day.
Earth Day is the day we celebrate that the Earth is beautiful and we need to
take care of it!
The first Earth Day was on 22nd April, 1970.
Today, people from 174 countries celebrate Earth Day.
It is a day when everyone tries to look after the planet.
People plant trees and collect glass, paper and plastic to recycle.
1. Read and answer.
1. When was the first Earth Day?
2. How many countries celebrate Earth Day?
3. What do people do on Earth Day?
2. Let's sing!
We’ve got the planet in our hands!
We’ve got the planet in our hands!
We’ve got the planet in our hands!
Understand. in our hands!
• We’ve got the flowers in our hands!
• We’ve got the rivers in our hands!
• We’ve got the animals in our hands!
• Think of your own verse for the song!
3. Craftwork.
pagina 54.
page 54.
Our world.
1 Choose the best holiday for each family.
Write: Banff, Corfu or Blackpool in your notebook.
1. The Bartons.
Like: dancing and funfairs!
2. The Taylors.
Like: shopping and swimming!
3. The Deans.
Like: sports and animals!
Banff, Canada.
Banff is a great place to visit.
You can go skiing in the Rocky Mountains.
You can even ride a snowmobile!
There are some amazing animals here, too. Come and see!
Corfu, Greece.
Come to sunny Corfu.
There are lots of great beaches where you can swim in the beautiful blue sea.
Visit the museums and do some shopping in Corfu Town!
Blackpool is a fun place to go!
You can go dancing in the music hall or go for a walk in one of the parks.
There is a big funfair with some amazing roller coasters, too!
2. Portfolio: Write about a famous holiday resort in your country.
You can find information on the Internet.
Module 6.
pagina 55.
page 55.
Units 11 - 12.
1. Look, read and match in your notebook.
1. sun cream.
2. wetsuit.
3. rucksack.
4. map.
5. sandals.
6. souvenir.
a. b. c.
d. e. f.
2. Read and choose. Write the word in your notebook.
1. February is the two, second month of the year.
2. There are thirty, thirteen days in June.
3. Earth is the three, third planet from the sun.
4. My birthday is on the nine, ninth of May.
5. There are twelve, twelfth months in the year.
6. There are sixty, sixtieth seconds in a minute.
3. Read and match in your notebook.
1. It’s sunny.
2. Mum’s in the kitchen.
3. I’m thirsty.
4. I feel tired.
5. It’s already six o’clock.
6. She lost her phone.
a. He’s going to be late.
b. I’m going to go to bed.
c. She’s going to buy a new one.
d. She’s going to make lunch.
e. It’s going to be hot today.
f. I’m going to have some lemonade.
4. Read and answer.
1. What’s your last name?
2. Where are you from?
3. When is your birthday?
4. Who’s your favourite singer?
Now I can.
• ask and answer quesOurtions
• say the months
• talk about life in the future
• talk about my plans
in English.
Module 6.
pagina 56.
page 56.
Our school.
1. Which line is longer? Guess.
Then measure.
2. Which is bigger? Guess.
Then measure.
3 Which man is the strongest?
4. Which car is the fastest?
1. London: 7:00.
Manchester: 10:30.
2. London: 8:30.
Manchester: 11:30.
3. London: 7:15.
Manchester: 10:45.
• THINK: What is bigger when new, but gets smaller with use?
Module 4 – Cross-Curricular Section.
pagina 57
page 57.
Our school.
1. Look, read and match in your notebook.
King Arthur and Excalibur.
1. The King of Britain, King Uther, died and the islands of Great Britain did
not have a king.
2. The next day, a stone appeared in a market place.
There was a sword in the stone and on the stone these words:
The man who pulls this sword from the stone is the true King of Britain.
3. At that time, Arthur was 16. He lived with Sir Ector and his son, Kay.
There was a tournament in the city for all the knights.
Arthur went to the tournament as Kay’s servant.
4. Kay couldn’t find his sword and sent Arthur to look for it.
Arthur couldn’t find it, but saw the sword in the stone and pulled it out to
give to Kay!
5. Everyone was amazed! Merlin appeared and said: ‘Arthur, you are the son of
King Uther and the next King of Britain!’
2. Portfolio: In groups, write about a legend from your country.
Draw or stick pictures.
Module 5 – Cross-Curricular Section.
pagina 58.
page 58.
Our school.
1. Look and talk with your friend.
City. C. F.
Temperatures in July.
Cairo (Egypt). 36. 96.
Acapulco (Mexico). 31. 89.
Tokyo (Japan). 29. 84.
Moscow (Russia). 24. 76.
Dublin (Ireland). 19. 67.
Sydney (Australia). Australia 16. 62.
boiling hot.
very hot.
quite hot.
very warm.
quite cool.
A: What’s the weather like in Cairo in July?
B: It’s boiling hot. It’s about 36 degrees Celsius!
2. Choose one of the cities to visit.
Decide what to pack and write a list in your notebook.
• Now tell your friend.
I’m going to go to Acapulco. I’m going to take.
Module 6 – Cross-Curricular Section.
pagina 59.
page 59.
1. Where are they? Read and write in your notebook.
1. Can I have a glass of orange juice, please?
2. Excuse me, where’s Dr Smith?
3. Have you got Peter Pan?
4. Look at that dinosaur! Wow!
2. Find six adjectives. Write them in your notebook.
h a w o r r i e d b i a n g r y o n t h i r s t y b a n o i s y s h y n k n a u
g h t y u m q u i e t.
3. Match in your notebook.
1. When I’m cold,
2. When I’m tired,
3. When I’m bored,
4. When I’m thirsty,
5. When I’m hungry,
a. I eat something.
b. I drink some water.
c. I put on a jumper.
d. I go to bed.
e. I read a book.
pagina 60.
page 60.
4. Read, choose and complete. Write the words in your notebook.
sea. tired. writer. king. bear.
grassland. sun cream. funfair. moustache. fall.
1. mountain. river. lake.
2. tiger. cheetah. lion.
3. rainforest. desert. jungle.
4. angry. worried. scared.
5. museum. theatre. library.
6. knight. castle. queen.
7. slip. break. get hurt.
8. nurse. artist. actor.
9. swimsuit. sunglasses. sandals.
10. eyes. ears. beard.
5. Complete in your notebook.
Australia and New Guinea.
panda. grass. China. kangaroo.
bamboo and fruit. a long tail. black and white.
Where it lives:.
What it looks like:.
What it eats:.
Where it lives:.
What it looks like:.
What it eats:.
pagina 61.
page 61.
6. Make questions in your notebook. Then answer them.
1 .Ludwig, Who, was, Beethoven?
2. Picasso? was, Who, Pablo.
3. Florence, was, Nightingale? Who.
4. Who, Owens? Jesse, was.
7. What aren’t they wearing? Look, choose and write in your notebook.
1. skirt.
2. sunglasses.
swimming trunks.
3. boots.
4. trousers.
pagina 62.
page 62.
Happy Easter!
1. Read and match in your notebook.
The Story of the Easter Bunny.
Easter is a popular holiday with children.
One of the things they like about Easter is the Easter Bunny.
Just like Santa bringing presents at Christmas, young children believe that the
Easter Bunny brings them chocolate eggs when they are good!
The story of the Easter Bunny bringing eggs comes from Germany.
In the story, the Easter Bunny brought coloured eggs to children’s homes.
The children made ‘nests’ for the Easter Bunny with their caps and bonnets.
Sometimes the Easter Bunny hid the eggs, so the children had to look for them on
Easter morning.
This is where the tradition of the Easter Egg Hunt comes from.
1. Children believe that Easter Bunnies.
2. The story of the Easter Bunny comes from.
3. The children made nests.
4. The children look for their eggs.
a. in the morning.
b. with their caps and bonnets.
c. bring them chocolate eggs.
d. Germany.
2. Copy the picture in your notebook. Then listen and complete it.
Easter Egg Hunt.
pagina 63.
page 63.
3. Where are the chocolate eggs? Complete the clues to help Messy Melvin find
Write in your notebook.
cake. sink. dishes. washing machine.
1. The first chocolate egg is where we wash the.
We send you lots of Easter wishes!
2. The second chocolate egg is very clean because it’s in the.!
3. The third chocolate egg is easy for you to take.
It’s where my mother bakes a.!
4. Where’s the fourth one?
What do you think? It’s in the cupboard under the.!
4. Let's play!
A: Where is my egg?
B: Give me a clue!
A: It’s with the cheese!
B: It’s in the fridge!
5. Let’s make a painted egg!
1. Boil an egg and let it cool.
2. Use paints, markers etc to colour your egg.
3. Display your egg in class.
pagina 64.
page 64.
Father’s Day.
We celebrate Father’s Day on the third Sunday in Iune.
On that day, children show their fathers how much they love them.
1. My dad! Read and complete in your notebook. Then, tell the class.
My dad is. years old.
He is. tall.
His hair is.
and his eyes are.
My dad loves.
He likes wearing.
His favourite TV show is.
His favourite song is.
He feels happy when I.
2. Let’s make a Father’s Day card!
Happy Father’s Day.
pagina 65.
page 65.
3. Read and choose. Write the word in your notebook. Then listen and check.
Fun to be 1) for, with.
Always kind and 2) crying, caring.
Takes me to school in his 3) cap, car.
Hugs me when I’m 4) sick, six.
Enjoys 5) watching, seeing football and eating pizza.
Reads stories to me at 6) morning, night!
• Now write your own poem!
4. Read and match in your notebook. Then fill in the other two coupons.
a. b. c. d.
One breakfast in bed.
One big hug.
One car wash.
One hour of rest.
pagina 66.
page 66.
Fun Time Starter.
1. Read and complete in your notebook.
1. I’m going to the greengrocer’s.
2. I’m going to the.
sausages. meat.
3. I’m going to the.
teddy bear.
4. I’m going to the.
bread. cake.
5. I’m going to the.
milk. cheese.
2. Look, read and say yes or no.
Bedroom in Arles, Vincent Van Gogh.
1. There is a bed.
2. There are three chairs.
3. There is a table.
4. There are some pictures on the wall.
5. There are two windows.
3. Draw a picture of your room. Present it to the class.
pagina 67.
page 67.
4. Read and complete in your notebook.
ride. fly. stay. wash. go. play. watch. climb.
My grandma is a super gran!
On Sundays she 1) rides an elephant in the park.
On Mondays she 2). tennis with Superman.
On Tuesdays she 3) . Mount Everest.
On Wednesdays she 4). to the moon.
On Thursdays she 5). fishing.
On Fridays she 6). the hippos at the zoo.
On Saturdays she 7). at home and 8). her favourite film.
My gran is a lot of fun!
• Now write the days in your notebook.
7. Sunday.
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page 68.
Fun Time 7.
1. Look, read and choose. Write the word in your notebook.
1. Mumble is a penguin, monkey.
2. Tweety is a bird, tiger.
3. Winnie the Pooh is a bear, panda.
4. Dumbo is a(n) cheetah, elephant.
5. Verne is a tortoise, lizard.
6. Roo is a kangaroo, parrot.
7. Tigger is a tiger, lion.
8. Kaa is a python, parrot.
pagina 69.
page 69.
2. Read and write in your notebook.
1. I’m fast! I’m faster than you!
2. I’m tall!
3. I’ve got a long tail!
4. I’m slow!
5. I’m fat!
3. Read and complete in your notebook. Then match.
1. Which is the fastest (fast) animal in the world?
2. Which is the. (long) river?
3. Which is the. (high) mountain?
4. Which is the. (big) country in the world?
5. Which is the. (large) lake in Africa?
a. Mount Everest.
b. a cheetah.
c. the Nile.
d. Victoria.
e. Russia.
pagina 70.
page 70.
Fun Time 8.
1. Listen and choose. Write A or B in your notebook.
Turn left.
Turn right.
1. A. café.
B. cinema.
2. A. school.
B. station.
3. A. bank.
B. museum.
4. A. museum.
B. restaurant.
2. Read and write the names in your notebook.
Mike: Mum, what was I like when I was a baby? Was I naughty?
Mum: No, Mike, you weren’t. You were a very quiet baby. But your brother was!
Mike: Steve or Peter?
Mum: Steve was very naughty. Peter was noisy.
Mike: Noisy? Wow! What about Martha? What was she like?
Mum: Martha was very shy. But you were all very cute!
1. Mike.
2. 3. 4.
pagina 71.
page 71.
3. Look and write in your notebook. Use: was, were, wasn’t or weren’t.
This is Littletown a hundred years ago.
There 1) was a butcher’s and there 2). a baker’s.
There 3). a lot of small shops, but there 4). a supermarket or a cinema.
There 5). many cars either. Littletown was very quiet!
4. Talk with your friend.
Pupil A.
Saturday, 1st November 8:00 pm.
Green Stadium.
Tickets: £30.
Pupil B.
Hillfields School vs Park View School.
Sunday, 2nd November 5:00 pm.
Highton Stadium.
Tickets: £3.
• Where/Saturday?
• What time?
• Where?
• How much/tickets?
A: Where were you on Saturday?
B: I was at a football game.
Where were you?
pagina 72.
page 72.
Fun Time 9.
1. Read and match in your notebook. Then find the secret word.
1. knight.
2. palace.
3. king.
4. queen.
5. hunt.
6. fence.
e. c. s.
l. a. t.
The secret word is.
3. 5. 6. 2. 4. 1.
2. Look, read and choose. Write A or B in your notebook.
1. A. queen. B. king.
2. A. chess. B. deer.
3. A. bake. B. carry.
4. A. travel. B. fight.
5. A. kick. B. sail.
6. A. guard. B. pick up.
pagina 73.
page 73.
3. In my dream! Read and match in your notebook.
1. In my dream I was a knight.
I lived in a big castle and danced with the ladies in the Great Hall!
2. In my dream I was a queen.
I dressed in expensive clothes and lived like a film star!
3. In my dream I was a king.
I sailed down the river to my palace!
4. In my dream I was a knight.
I guarded the king and Queen. I was very strong!
a. b. c. d.
4. Read and complete the blog in your notebook.
Nick’s Blog.
Hello! My name’s Nick and I’m from the UK. Let me tell you about my weekends.
Saturday is a busy day. I 1). (get up) early. My mum 2). (drive) me to school.
I 3). (have) tennis practice for three hours.
In the afternoon, I am very tired. I 4) … (play) computer
games or I 5) … (listen) to music.
On Sundays my grandma 6) … (visit) us and we 7) … (spend)
the day together. What about you?
Post a comment.
• Now write a blog entry about your weekends.
pagina 74.
page 74.
Fun Time 10.
1. Look, read and write the words in your notebook.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
2. Write the words in your notebook. Then match.
a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
1. a o t r c.
2. i a t t s r.
3. c o o r p s m e.
4. r n e u s.
5. s a t r c e s.
6. t a l h e e t.
7. i t e r r w.
pagina 75.
page 75.
3. Look, read and correct in your notebook.
1. Alvin gets a magic skateboard.
He doesn’t get a magic skateboard.
He gets a magic mirror.
2. The children go to Andy’s concert in space.
3. Alvin dresses like a clown.
4. Willow breaks his nose.
1. 2. 3. 4.
4. Complete the joke in your notebook.
Tell it to a friend.
One day, a man 1) sees (see) a boy across the street.
The boy 2). (be) very small and he cannot reach the doorbell.
The man 3). (walk) across and 4). (stand) next to the boy.
“Don’t worry,” the man 5). (say) and he 6). (press) the doorbell.
“Now, what?” the man 7). (ask) and the boy 8). (answer): “Now, we run!”
pagina 76.
page 76.
Fun Time 11.
1. Read and put a tick. or a cross. in your notebook.
Then correct the mistakes.
1. Alvin’s birthday is on the fourth of July.
2. Fairy Day is on the twenty-four of June. twenty-fourth.
3. C is the three letter of the alphabet.
4. They’ve got ten cats!
5. He was sixth in the race.
6. September is the nine month of the year.
7. Who was the one president of the USA?
8. When is the twelfth of May?
2. Read and choose. Write in your notebook. Then match.
1. Why/When are you so sad?
2. When/What is on 24th June?
3. Why/What are Faye and Fifi?
4. Where/Who will help me with the chores?
5. When/Where is my new camera?
6. How/What will you get to school tomorrow?
7. When/Why is your birthday?
a. It’s Fairy Day!
b. It’s on 16th June.
c. I’ll get there by bus.
d. Because I lost my new watch.
e. They’re Fairy penguins.
f. We will!
g. It’s in the cupboard.
pagina 77.
page 77.
3. What’s the season? Look, read and match in your notebook.
a. summer.
b. spring.
c. winter.
d. autumn.
4. What is the weather like today? Look, read and write yes or no in your
cold. sunny. hot. snowy. windy. rainy.
London. Mexico City. Paris. Madrid. New York. Singapore.
1. It is cold in London. yes.
2. It is windy in Madrid.
3. It is snowy in Mexico City.
4. It is windy in Paris.
5. It is rainy in Singapore.
6. It is hot in New York.
• What’s the weather usually like in your country? Tell the class.
In spring it’s usually.
pagina 78.
page 78.
Fun Time 12.
1. Tim’s holiday. Read and complete in your notebook.
Tim is a student. He studies hard every day.
At the weekend he works at a café and goes to the cinema with his friends.
In his free time, he likes going to the gym and reading books.
But next week he is going to go on holiday to Greece with his friends.
Next week I am going to 1). in Greece! I am going to 2). and 3).
I am going to 4). with the dolphins, too!
I’m sure I’m going to have a great holiday!
Post a comment.
2. Talk with your friend.
Pupil A: You are a tourist. Copy the table in your notebook.
Use it to answer Pupil B’s questions.
Pupil B: You work at a hotel. Copy the table in your notebook. Ask.
Pupil A questions to complete it.
Pupil A.
Five Star Hotel.
First Name:.
Last Name:.
Telephone Number:.
email address:.
Room type: Single Room.
Double Room.
Pupil B.
• what, first name?
• what, last name?
• what, telephone number?
• what, email address?
• what, kind of room/need?
Pupil A: Hello. I’d like a room, please.
Pupil B: Yes, of course. What is your first name?
pagina 79.
page 79.
3. What is Clara Loft going to do next year? Look and say.
January: travel to Varanasi, India.
February: go surfing in Australia.
March: camp in the jungle.
April: fly to Hong Kong.
May: sail across the Atlantic Ocean.
June: visit the King and Queen of Spain.
July: buy new clothes in Milan.
August: go to Corfu on holiday.
September: go hunting in Africa.
October: have a big birthday party.
November: make a film with Tim Cross.
December: spend the holidays with her family.
Clara Loft is going to travel to Varanasi, India in January.
• Now look again and write in your notebook.
1. She’s going to travel to Varanasi, India in January.
2. in March.
3. in May.
4. in July.
5. in September.
6. in November.
pagina 80.
page 80.
1. Look, read and say yes or no.
1. This is a tortoise.
2. This is a restaurant.
3. This is a guard.
4. This is a nurse.
5. This is a swimsuit.
2. Choose the odd one out.
Write in your notebook.
1. funfair – tent – museum – theatre.
2. cheetah – river – tiger – lion.
3. shoes – boots – sandals – handbag.
4. map – dove – bluebird – deer.
5. king – queen – knight – sail.
3. Read and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. Mark is. at English than I am.
A. better. B. best.
2. I. at the funfair yesterday.
A. was. B. were.
3. you play football every day?
A. Do. B. Are.
4. is your birthday?
A. Who. B. When.
5. When I., I will travel around the world.
A. grow up. B. am growing up.
4. Read and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. A: Where were you yesterday?
B: a) I’m at the funfair.
b) I was at the funfair.
2. A: What were you like when you were a baby?
B: a) I was at home.
b) I was cute and quiet.
3. A: What are you doing?
B: a) I am playing football.
b) I play football.
4. A: Why are you crying?
B: a) Because I can’t find my ruler.
b) On 4th July.
5. A: What are you going to do next week?
B: a) It’s Saturday.
b) I’m going to go on holiday.
Published by Express Publishing.
Liberty House, Greenham Business Park, Newbury,
Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom.
Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363.
Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463.
Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans, 2016.
Colour Illustrations: Express Publishing, 2016.
Illustrated by Simon Andrews, Alexandra Lewis, Alan Shephard, Stone, Terry
Wilson, Express Publishing, 2016.
First published 2016.
Made in EU.
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ISBN 978-1-4715-4589-4.
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This course is specifically designed for young learners of English.
Pupils follow the adventures of four children and their friends from the Magic
• Pupil’s Book.
• Digital Book.
• Activity Book.
• Teacher’s Book.
• Picture Flashcards.
• Posters.
• Teacher’s Resource Pack.
ISBN 978-1-4715-4589-4.
Express Publishing.