Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării Ştiinţifice.
Limba modernă-engleză.
Clasa a treia.
Semestrul al doilea.
Fairyland 3B.
Pupil's Book.
Jenny Dooley – Virginia Evans.
Express Publishing.
Uniscan Grup Educaţional.
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Limba modernă-engleză.
Clasa a treia.
Semestrul al doilea.
Fairyland 3B.
Pupil’s Book.
Jenny Dooley – Virginia Evans.
Programa şcolară pentru disciplina LIMBA MODERNĂ Clasele a treia – a patra,
aprobată prin Anexa nr. 2 la ordinul ministrului educaţiei naţionale nr. 5003,
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72 pagini.
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Express Publishing.
pagina 2.
page 2.
Competences. Vocabulary. Structures. Project.
Module 4.
Unit 7.
(page 4 - 9).
7a. It’s so cute!
7b. We’re all wet!
7c. I’m so sweet!
1.1. Identify the global significance of a clearly articulated oral message in a
familiar context.
1.3. Understand age appropriate oral messages.
2.2. Participate in everyday conversations about familiar topics.
2.3. Describe people, characters in a simple way.
3.2. Understand the global significance of simple texts about familiar topics.
• parts of the body.
• the verb ‘have got’.
• plurals (irregular).
Write about your favourite cartoon character.
Unit 8.
(page 10 - 19).
8a. Talent Show!
8b. Abracadabra!
8c. Watch me go!
Troll Tales 4.
Go Green!
Our World.
Checkpoint 4.
1.1. Identify the global significance of a clearly articulated oral message in a
familiar context.
1.3. Understand age appropriate oral messages.
2.2. Participate in everyday conversations about familiar topics.
2.3. Describe people, characters in a simple way.
3.2. Understand the global significance of simple texts about familiar topics.
3.3. Understand simple familiar messages from friends, peers, teacher.
• activities.
• the verb ‘can’.
Write about what you can do.
Module 5.
Unit 9.
(page 20 - 25).
9a. My new clothes!
9b. A lovely day!
9c. Who’s wearing?
1.1. Identify the global significance of a clearly articulated oral message in a
familiar context.
1.3. Understand age appropriate oral messages.
2.2. Participate in everyday conversations about familiar topics.
2.3. Describe people, characters in a simple way.
3.1. Recognise phrases and symbols used in everyday situations.
3.2. Understand the global significance of simple texts about familiar topics.
3.3. Understand simple familiar messages from friends, peers, teacher.
• clothes.
• weather.
• present continuous.
Write about your magic moments.
Unit 10.
(page 26 - 35).
10a At the animal park!
10b. Wild things!
10c. Two funny rabbits!
Troll Tales 5.
Go Green!
Our World.
Checkpoint 5.
1.1. Identify the global significance of a clearly articulated oral message in a
familiar context.
1.3. Understand age appropriate oral messages.
2.2. Participate in everyday conversations about familiar topics.
2.3. Describe people, characters in a simple way.
3.1. Recognise phrases and symbols used in everyday situations.
3.2. Understand the global significance of simple texts about familiar topics.
3.3. Understand simple familiar messages from friends, peers, teacher.
• animals.
• present continuous.
Write a letter.
pagina 3.
page 3.
Competences. Vocabulary. Structures. Project.
Module 6.
Unit 11.
(page 36 - 41).
11a. Lunchtime!
11b. Fairy cakes!
11c. Listen to my tummy!
1.1. Identify global significance of a clearly articulated oral message in
familiar contexts.
1.2. Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers) in everyday situations.
1.3. Understand age appropriate oral messages.
2.1. Request and provide information on numbers, prices and expressions of time.
2.2. Participate in everyday conversations about familiar topics.
2.3. Describe people/characters in a simple way.
3.2. Understand the global significance of simple texts about familiar topics.
3.3. Understand simple familiar messages from friends, peers, teacher.
• food.
• time.
• present simple.
• some, any.
Write about your favourite meal.
Unit 12.
(page 42 - 51).
12a. Alvin’s Day!
12b. Environment Day!
12c. Another lovely day!
Troll Tales 6.
Go Green!
Our World.
Checkpoint 6.
1.1. Identify global significance of a clearly articulated oral message in
familiar contexts.
1.3. Understand age appropriate oral messages.
2.1. Request and provide information on numbers, prices and expressions of time.
2.2. Participate in everyday conversations about familiar topics.
2.3. Describe people, characters in a simple way.
3.1. Recognise phrases and symbols used in everyday situations.
3.2. Understand the global significance of simple texts about familiar topics.
3.3. Understand simple familiar messages from friends, peers, teacher.
• daily routine.
• Environment Day.
• days of the week.
• present simple.
• prepositions of time.
Write about your favourite day.
Our School.
(page 52 - 54).
2.2. Participate in everyday conversations about familiar topics.
2.3. Describe people, characters in a simple way.
3.1. Recognise phrases and symbols used in everyday situations.
3.2. Understand the global significance of simple texts about familiar topics.
(page 55).
2.1. Request and provide information on numbers, prices and expressions of time.
Happy Easter!
(page 56 - 57).
2.1. Request and provide information on numbers, prices and expressions of time.
3.2. Understand the global significance of simple texts about familiar topics.
Mother’s Day!
(page 58-59).
1.3. Understand age appropriate oral messages.
3.2. Understand the global significance of simple texts about familiar topics.
4.1. Write cards for birthdays and celebrations.
4.2. Write a simple message for a classmate.
Fun Time.
(page 60 - 71).
1.1. Identify global significance of a clearly articulated oral message in
familiar contexts.
1.2. Identify time and quantity (prices, numbers) in everyday situations.
1.3. Understand age appropriate oral messages.
2.1. Request and provide information on numbers, prices and expressions of time.
2.2. Participate in everyday conversations about familiar topics.
3.1. Recognise phrases and symbols used in everyday situations.
3.2. Understand the global significance of simple texts about familiar topics.
3.3. Understand simple familiar messages from friends, peers, teacher.
4.2. Write a simple message for a classmate.
(page 72).
pagina 4.
page 4.
Unit 7a.
It's so cute!
kitten. nose.
1. Listen and read.
1. It’s a lovely day!
Let’s go for a walk.
2. Listen! What’s that?
It’s a kitten!
3. Oh, it’s so cute!
Look, it’s in the tree.
4. It’s got a small nose and small, pink ears.
And it’s got blue eyes.
5. Lee, be careful!
6. Oh, no!
2. Read, correct and say.
The kitten has got a big nose and small, blue ears.
Module 4.
pagina 5.
page 5.
ear. eyes. mouth. face. dark hair. fair hair.
I, You, We, They’ve got blue eyes.
He, She, It’s got small ears.
I’ve = I have.
He’s = He has.
3. Funny Faces! Complete and match in your notebook.
A. B. C. D. E.
1. He’s got long ears.
2. He. got a big nose.
3. They. got fair hair.
4. She. got big eyes.
5. It. got a big mouth.
4. Listen and choose.
• Which one is Sammy?
A. B. C.
5. Talk with your friend.
A: What’s Lee like?
B: He’s got dark hair and brown eyes.
1. 2. 3.
My Magic Files!
my Magic Character.
Module 4.
pagina 6.
page 6.
Unit 7b.
We're all wet!
body. leg.
1. Listen and read.
1. Look, it hasn’t got a big body!
2. But it’s got a long tail.
3. Ugh! I’ve got wet hair.
4. We’ve got wet legs and feet.
Yes, but we haven’t.
5. Time for some fun!
6. Now we’re all wet!
2. Read and choose.
1. I’ve got wet hair.
a. Lee. b. Emma.
2. We’ve got wet legs and feet.
a. Emma & Mona b. Lee & Harry.
Module 4.
pagina 7.
page 7.
hand. arm. head. long tail. wet.
Have I, you,we, they got wet hair?
Yes, I, you, we, they have.
No, I, you, we, they haven’t.
Has he, she, it got big ears?
Yes, he, she, it has.
No, he, she, it hasn’t.
I haven’t got blue eyes.
She hasn’t got big ears.
3. Look, read and answer.
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. Has Henry got a small head?
No, he hasn’t.
2. Has Charlie got long arms?
3. Have Gill and Gemma got short legs?
4. Have Kenny and Kim got long tails?
4. Read and match in your notebook. Then listen and check.
1. man.
2. woman.
3. child.
4. tooth.
5. foot.
a. teeth.
b. men.
c. feet.
d. women.
e. children.
5. Let's play!
Have I got a big nose?
Yes, you have.
Module 4.
pagina 8.
page 8.
Unit 7c.
I'm so sweet!
1. Listen and read.
I’ve got hair on my ears.
I’ve got hair on my head.
I’ve got hair on my tail.
I’ve got hair on my legs!
I’ve got hair everywhere,
From my head to my feet!
I’ve got hair everywhere,
I’m a kitten and I’m sweet!
I’ve got hair on my tummy.
I’ve got hair on my feet;
And when I lick my body,
I’ve got hair on my teeth!
2. Let’s make a mask.
• Now sing and do!
Module 4.
pagina 9.
page 9.
3. Read and choose. Then listen and read.
My hero!
by Dylan.
My hero is Shrek. He is very funny.
He’s got a 1) big, small head and 2) brown, blue eyes.
Look at his ears! They’re very long!
Shrek has got 3) big, small hands and feet, too. He’s fantastic!
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
My hero is Scrat. He’s got big eyes and a big nose.
He’s got a long tail, too!
He’s fantastic!
5. Listen and say. Then read.
Monty the mouse has got a big mouth!
Module 4.
pagina 10.
page 10.
Unit 8a.
Talent Show!
play the piano.
1. Listen and read.
Look! It’s the school Talent Show!
2. Mona, can you sing?
Yes, I can! Can you play the piano?
3. Yes, I can!
Come on!
Let’s go!
4. Well, I can play the guitar! Girls, wait!
5. I can’t sing or play the piano.
6. I can help you, Harry!
I’ve got an idea!
2. Read and match in your notebook.
1. Mona can.
2. Emma can.
3. Lee can.
a. play the piano.
b. play the guitar.
c. sing.
Module 4.
pagina 11.
page 11.
dance. jump. fly. ride a horse. swim. draw.
I, You can swim.
He, She, It can sing.
I, you can’t draw.
He, She, It can’t fly.
Can you draw?
Yes, I can. No, I can’t.
I can’t = I cannot.
3. Look and write in your notebook.
can. can’t.
1. She can’t play the piano.
2. It. sing.
3. He. ride a bike.
4. He. dance.
5. She. swim.
6. It. jump.
4 Copy in your notebook.
Then find someone who can.
1. play the piano.
2. dance.
3. ride a horse.
4. swim.
5. draw.
6. ride a bike.
A: Julie, can you play the piano?
B: Yes, I can.
• Now tell the class.
Julie can play the piano.
5. Let's play!
I can dance.
I can sing.
Module 4.
pagina 12.
page 12.
Unit 8b.
1. Listen and read.
1. Thank you! And now, here is the Amazing Harry!
2. Who can help me?
I can!
3. Thank you!
Please put your glasses in my hat.
Here you are.
4. Can you see the glasses?
Yes, we can!
5. Now, what can you see?
A white rabbit! Wow!
6. This is for you!
Oh, thank you, Harry. You’re a very good magician!
2. Which picture? Read and say.
1. Who can help me? Picture 2.
2. This is for you!
3. A white rabbit!
4. Here is the Amazing Harry!
Module 4.
pagina 13.
page 13.
glasses. rabbit. hop. magician. see.
3. Look, read and match in your notebook.
1. They can.
2. They can.
3. They can.
4. They can.
a. fly.
b. hop.
c. jump.
d. run.
We, you, they can sing.
Can we, you, they swim?
Yes, we, you, they can.
No, we, you, they can’t.
We, you, they can’t fly.
4. Look and answer. Write in your notebook.
• Yes, we can. • No, we can’t.
1. Can you see the glasses?
Can you see the glasses now?
Yes, we can.
2. Can you see the rabbit?
Can you see the rabbit now?
5. Let’s sing!
We’re Zappy and Zip.
We can do magic tricks!
What can we do?
What can we do?
We’re Zappy and Zip.
We can do magic tricks!
We can fly, we can fly!
My Magic Files.
my Magic Trick.
Module 4.
pagina 14.
page 14.
Unit 8c.
Watch me go!
1. Listen and match in your notebook.
1. Beep!
a. bike.
2. Yeeow!
b. plane.
3. Ring!
c. car.
Beep! Beep! Beep!
I can drive my car.
Seat belt on, watch me go!
Beep! Beep! Beep!
I can drive my car.
Sometimes fast and sometimes slow!
Yeeow! Yeeow! Yeeow!
I can fly my plane.
Seat belt on, watch me go!
Yeeow! Yeeow! Yeeow!
I can fly my plane.
Sometimes fast and sometimes slow!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
I can ride my bike.
Helmet on, watch me go!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
I can ride my bike.
Sometimes fast and sometimes slow!
• Now sing and do!
Module 4.
pagina 15.
page 15.
seat belt. helmet. fast. slow. do karate.
2. Read and say yes or no. Then listen and read.
1. Scott is nine years old.
2. He can do karate.
My name’s Scott and I’m eight years old.
I can do a lot of things. I can swim and I can do karate, too.
Look at me in my car! I can drive really well.
Watch me go!
3. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
My name’s Emily. I’m nine years old.
I can sing and I can dance, too.
4. Listen and say. Then read.
The circus clown can colour the circles.
Module 4.
pagina 16.
page 16.
Troll Tales!
Episode 4 : Listen and read.
1. Where’s the gold, Pog?
There, under the rainbow, Trog.
2. Can we walk to the rainbow?
No, we can’t.
3. Can we fly to the rainbow?
Well, we haven’t got a plane, but.
4. we’ve got Popsie!
Yes!! Now we can fly there!
5. Oh no!
No more pixie dust!
• Now take roles and read.
Module 4.
pagina 17.
page 17.
Go Green! 4.
see. hear. taste. feel. smell.
1. Find, point and say.
feel. hear. taste. see. smell.
2. Let's sing!
I can taste the apples.
I can smell the flowers.
I can see the funny spider!
I can hear the birds.
I can touch the trees.
My garden’s full of wonder!
My Garden of Wonder!
pagina 18.
page 18.
Our World.
Rachel Atherton.
This is Rachel Atherton.
She’s from the UK. Rachel’s got red hair and brown eyes.
She can ride a bike really well.
This is Ronaldinho. He’s from Brazil.
Ronaldinho’s got long dark hair and brown eyes.
He can play football really well!
He’s great!
1. Read and answer.
1. Who’s from Brazil?
2. Who’s got red hair?
3. Who can play football?
4. Who can ride a bike?
2. Portfolio: Write about your favourite sports person in your notebook.
Module 4
pagina 19.
page 19.
Units 7 - 8.
1. Look and choose.
1. It’s got a short tail, hair.
2. They’ve got hair on their feet, arms.
3. It’s got big ears, eyes.
4. He’s got a big nose, mouth.
5. It’s got three hands, heads.
2. Make sentences in your notebook.
1. The frog.
2. Frank.
3. Lisa.
4. Rita.
5. Sue.
ride a bike.
ride a horse.
play the piano.
3. Write the plurals in your notebook.
1. man.
2. tooth.
3. child.
4. foot.
5. woman.
4. Read and answer in your notebook.
1. Can you sing?
2. Can you ride a horse?
3. Have you got a brother?
4. Can you fly?
5. Have you got blue eyes?
6. Can you play the piano?
Now I can.
• identify parts of the body.
• talk about appearance.
• talk about abilities.
in English.
Module 4.
pagina 20.
page 20.
Unit 9a.
My new clothes!
1. Listen and read.
1. Hi, Emma! Your T-shirt’s nice.
Your trousers are nice, too!
2. Hey! Emma! Mona!
What are you doing?
We’re picking flowers.
3. We’re playing football!
Come on!
4. No, I can’t! I’m wearing my new trousers!
5. And I’m wearing my new T-shirt!
So? What’s the problem?
6. That’s the problem!
2. Read, choose and say.
1. Mona’s wearing new.
a. trousers.
b. shoes.
2. Emma’s wearing a new.
a. T-shirt. b. dress.
3. The boys are playing.
a. football.
b. the guitar.
Module 5.
pagina 21.
page 21.
trousers. shirt. skirt. T-shirt. shoes.
I’m wearing my new shirt.
He, She, It’s playing in the sun.
We, You, They’re picking flowers.
I’m = I am.
He’s = He is.
We’re = We are.
3. What are they doing? Look and complete in your notebook.
1. She’s playing the guitar.
2. reading a book.
3. singing.
4. playing football.
5. picking flowers.
4. Listen and match in your notebook.
1. Nick.
2. Bill.
A. B. C. D.
3. May.
4. Kim.
• What are they wearing?
Look again and say.
5. Let's play!
Alvin's new clothes!
Module 5.
pagina 22.
page 22.
Unit 9b.
A lovely day!
dark cloud.
1. Listen and read.
1. Oh, no! It’s raining!
2. Don’t worry.
It’s just a small, dark cloud.
We’re getting wet!
3. Erlina!
4. The sun is shining.
Hooray! It’s sunny again!
5. Let’s all play together!
Good idea!
6. We’re having a great time!
2. Which picture? Read and say.
1. Good idea! Picture 5.
2. Hooray!
3. It’s raining!
4. Erlina!
Module 5.
pagina 23.
page 23.
It’s raining. It’s snowing. It’s sunny. It’s windy. It’s cold. It’s hot.
It’s raining.
The sun is shining.
We’re getting wet.
rain – raining.
play – playing.
get – getting.
shine – shining.
3. Look and complete in your notebook.
It’s a lovely day in the Magic Forest. Look!
1. Mona is.
2. Erlina is.
3. Alvin and Willow are.
4. Lee and Emma are. a bike.
5. Harry is. the guitar.
4. Look and match in your notebook.
1. Oh, no! We’re getting wet!
2. Look, it’s having a bath!
3. The sun is shining! Let’s go to the park!
5. What’s the weather like today? Look and say.
My Magic Files!
Magic Weather.
Module 5.
pagina 24.
page 24.
Unit 9c.
Who’s wearing?
1. Listen and point.
Who’s wearing glasses?
Glasses! Glasses!
Who’s wearing glasses?
I know! It’s Ben!
Who’s wearing red socks?
Red socks! Red socks!
Who’s wearing red socks?
I know! It’s Pam!
Ben. Katie. Jack. Pam.
• Now sing along!
2. In groups, sing about Jack and Katie.
Who’s wearing blue shorts?
Who’s wearing brown boots?
Module 5.
pagina 25.
page 25.
socks. boots. shorts. trainers. jacket.
3. Read and match in your notebook. Then listen and read.
My Magic Moments!
1. This is me and Sid the snowman. It’s snowing.
Sid’s wearing my jacket and Dad’s hat!
2. This is me in Spain. It’s very hot and sunny. Look at me.
I’m wearing a very funny T-shirt!
3. This is me at my birthday party.
I’m wearing my new pink trainers!
by Lisa.
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
This is me at Disneyland.
It’s a very hot day. I’m wearing a Mickey Mouse hat.
5. Listen and say. Then read.
His shirt is too short and his shorts are too long!
Module 5.
pagina 26.
page 26.
Unit 10a.
At the animal park!
1. Listen and read.
1. Great! Let’s go and look at all the animals!
2. Let’s go on the train!
3. Wow! Look at the zebras!
They’re running really fast!
4. What are the hippos eating?
They’re not hippos!
They’re rhinos!
5. Why is the train stopping?
6. Because there’s a zebra crossing!
2. Which picture? Read and say.
1. Let’s go on the train! Picture 2.
2. Why is the train stopping?
3. They’re not hippos!
4. Look at the zebras!
Module 5.
pagina 27.
page 27.
lion. hippo. rhino. eat. drink. sleep. cross.
Am I eating?
Yes, you are. No, you aren’t.
Are you eating?
Yes, I am. No, I’m not.
Is. he. she. it. eating?
Yes, he, she, it is.
No, he, she, it isn’t.
Are. we. you. they. eating?
Yes, we, you, they are.
No, we, you, they aren’t.
3. Look and complete in your notebook.
1. Are the lions sleeping?
No, they aren’t.
2. the giraffe eating?
3. the hippos running?
4. the zebras swimming?
No .
5 .the rhino drinking water?
Yes .
4. Listen and number in your notebook.
• Now act out the story.
5. Let's play!
Are you sleeping?
Yes, I am.
Module 5.
pagina 28.
page 28.
Unit 10b.
Wild things!
1. Listen and read.
1. Look! The safari boat!
Let’s get on it!
2. Look at the seals!
They’re looking at us!
3. They’re not moving.
What are they doing?
4. They’re sitting on a hippo!
A hippo? Cool!
5. Time to go home!
We’re not going home yet. Look!
6. Yes!
Are you ready to go home now, wild things?
2. Read and say the animals you see.
1. monkey. 2. seals. 3. hippo. 4. elephant.
Module 5.
pagina 29.
page 29.
monkey. climb. crocodile. elephant. seal. boat.
Is the monkey climbing? No, it isn’t climbing. It’s running.
3. Spot the differences!
A. B.
A: In picture A, Lee is flying a kite.
B: In picture B, Lee isn’t flying a kite. He’s riding a bike.
4. Talk with your friend.
Cafe Bar.
A: Look at the hippos. What are they doing?
B: They’re eating.
A: Eating? Cool!
5. What am I? Guess!
I’m green. I’ve got a long tail and a big mouth. I can swim.
What am I?
My Magic Files.
Magic Animals.
Module 5.
pagina 30.
page 30.
Unit 10c.
Two funny rabbits!
1. Listen and read.
Two funny rabbits
Are hopping away,
Hopping away, hopping away.
Two funny rabbits.
Are hopping away,
Hopping away today!
Two funny ducks.
Are flying away,
Flying away!
Two funny sheep.
Are running away,
Running away!
• Now sing and do!
2. Look at the picture again and say yes or no.
1. There are nine animals on the farm.
2. The cow is sleeping.
3. The chicken has got five eggs.
4. The goat is drinking water.
5. The sheep are flying.
Module 5.
pagina 31.
page 31.
farm. duck. sheep. cow. chicken. goat.
3. What’s wrong with the picture? Read and correct in your notebook.
Then listen and read.
Dear Mum and Dad,
I’m having a great time on the farm.
It’s sunny today.
I'm wearing my new blue shorts.
I'm helping grandpa with the cows.
I love it here!
See you soon,
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
Dear Mum and Dad,
I’m having a great time on the farm.
I love it here!
See you soon,
5. Listen and say. Then read.
Are you wearing trainers on the farm?
Module 5.
pagina 32.
page 32.
Troll Tales!
Episode 5: Listen and read.
1. It’s a sunny day!
2. What are you doing here?
We’re catching butterflies.
3. That isn’t very nice! Stop it!
Oh, they’re flying away!
4. Oh, dear! What’s happening?
It’s raining, Trog!
5. And now it’s snowing!
Come on! Let’s go home!
6. I’m c.c. cold!
• Now take roles and read.
Module 5.
pagina 33.
page 33.
Go Green! 5.
Fun on the farm!
1. Which animals are Farm Animals? Look and say.
2. What’s on a farm? Look and choose.
tractor. seal. turkey. carrots. tomatoes. bus.
3. Portfolio: In groups, make your own farm. Present it to the class.
pagina 34.
page 34.
Our world.
1. Read and match.
A. We're riding on the Log Ride.
B. I'm having breakfast with Tigger.
This is me at Disneyland, Paris.
1) My mum is taking the picture.
This is me at Alton Towers with my friends.
2) Can you see me? I’m wearing glasses.
2. Portfolio: Draw or stick a picture of yourself having fun.
Present it to the class.
Module 5.
pagina 35.
page 35.
Units 9-10.
1. Look, read and match in your notebook.
a. It’s snowing. I’m wearing my jacket and my boots.
b. It’s sunny. I’m wearing my T-shirt and my skirt.
c. It’s hot. I’m wearing my T-shirt and my shorts.
d. It’s cold. I’m wearing my jacket and my trousers.
2. Look and say yes or no.
1. The monkey is climbing a tree.
2. The elephants are sleeping.
3. The lion is running.
4. The giraffes are eating.
3. Choose.
1. A: Are you wearing glasses?
B: a) Yes, he is.
b) Yes, I am.
2. A: Is the seal sleeping?
B: a) No, it is.
b) No, it isn’t.
3. A: Are the girls picking flowers?
B: a) Yes, they aren’t.
b) Yes, they are.
4. A: Are we wearing socks?
B: a) No, you aren’t.
b) Yes, you aren’t.
Now I can.
• talk about clothes.
• say what the weather is like.
• talk about animals.
• read and write about actions happening now.
in English.
Module 5.
pagina 36.
page 36.
Unit 11a.
It’s one o’clock. breakfast.
1. Listen and read.
1. It’s lunchtime!
Hooray! It’s one o’clock!
2. Oh, no! Carrots!
I don’t like carrots.
I do!
3. Ugh!
Do you like tomatoes, Harry?
Yes, I do.
4. Eggs! Yuk! Here you are, Harry.
Thanks, Mona.
5. Now I’ve got a big sandwich!
Harry, be careful!
6. Whoops!
Oh, dear!
What a mess!
2. Read and match in your notebook.
1. It’s one o’clock!
2. Do you like tomatoes?
3. Here you are, Harry.
a. Thanks, Mona.
b. It’s lunchtime!
c. Yes, I do.
Module 6.
pagina 37.
page 37.
lunch. dinner. tea. sausage. sandwich. hot dog. burger.
I like carrots.
I don’t like apples.
Do you like tomatoes?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
3. Look, choose and say.
• I like . Yummy!
• I don’t like . Yuk!
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
• Now talk with your friend.
1. A: Do you like carrots?
B: Yes, I do. Yummy!
or No, I don’t. Yuk!
4. Listen and choose.
1. a. b.
2. a. b.
3. a. b.
4. a. b.
• Now ask and answer.
1. A: What time is it?
B: It’s eight o’clock.
A: Eight o’clock?
B: Yes. It’s breakfast time!
5. Let's play!
What’s the time, Mr Wolf?
It’s eleven o’clock.
Module 6.
pagina 38.
page 38.
Unit 11b.
Fairy cakes!
fairy cakes. sugar.
1. Listen and read.
1. Hi, Mum! What are you doing?
I’m making some cakes.
2. Can we help?
Of course!
3. Are there any eggs in the fridge?
Yes, there are.
4. Good! Is there any sugar in the cupboard?
Yes, there’s something very sweet in the cupboard.
5. Here we are!
Fairy cakes!
Fairy cakes?
6. Look, Erlina!
Fairy cakes!
Don’t worry! There aren’t any fairies in them!
2. Which picture? Read and say.
1. Can we help? Picture 2.
2. Is there any sugar in the cupboard?
3. Here we are!
4. There aren’t any fairies in them!
Module 6.
pagina 39.
page 39.
ice cream. juice. milk. rice. meat. bread.
3. Write a, an or some in your notebook.
1. a hot dog.
2. eggs.
3. apple.
4. milk.
5. bread.
6. tomato.
7. meat.
8. orange.
4. Look and complete in your notebook.
1. There is some milk.
2. There. cheese.
3. There. tomatoes.
4. There. potatoes.
5. There. orange juice.
6. There. water.
a carrot. some rice.
an egg. some eggs.
There is some cheese.
There are some eggs.
There isn’t any milk.
There aren’t any apples.
Is there any ice cream?
Are there any tomatoes?
5. What’s in the fridge?
Memory game.
Are there any tomatoes?
Yes, there are.
My Magic Files!
my Fairy Cake.
Module 6.
pagina 40.
page 40.
Unit 11c.
Listen to my tummy!
1. Listen and read.
Are there any burgers?
Are there any peas?
Is there any chicken?
Is there any cheese?
Listen to my tummy,
Glipper, glapper, glupper!
Listen to my tummy,
I’m ready for my supper!
Are there any apples?
Are there any eggs?
Is there any chocolate?
Is there any bread?
• Now sing and do!
2. Let's play!
In my fridge there are some pineapples.
In my fridge there are some pineapples and some cheese.
Module 6.
pagina 41.
page 41.
honey. butter. cereal. pineapple. peas. banana. chocolate.
3. Who is who? Read and find out. Then listen and read.
A. B. C.
My favourite meal.
by Class 3A.
My favourite meal is breakfast.
Breakfast is at eight o’clock.
I like toast, butter and honey for breakfast.
Ben, 11.
My favourite meal is lunch.
Lunch is at twelve o’clock.
I like sandwiches, apple juice and chocolate for lunch.
Katie, 10.
My favourite
meal is supper.
Supper is at seven o’clock.
I like chicken, peas and orange juice for supper.
Emily, 11.
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
My favourite meal is breakfast.
I like cereal with milk and toast with butter and honey.
5. Listen and say. Then read.
Dean is eating chocolate ice cream.
Module 6.
pagina 42.
page 42.
Unit 12a.
Alvin's day!
get up. go to work.
1. Listen and read.
1. Alvin gets up at seven o’clock every day.
2. He goes to work at eight o’clock.
3. He has lunch at one o’clock.
4. In the afternoon he goes jogging!
5. Every evening he has a shower.
6. At night he listens to music.
7. And at ten o’clock he goes to bed.
Module 6.
pagina 43.
page 43.
watch TV. go jogging. have a shower. listen to music. go to bed. do homework.
I, You go to work at nine o’clock.
He, She, It gets up at seven o’clock.
I, You don’t go to bed late.
He, She, It doesn’t watch TV in the afternoon.
Do I, you listen to music in the evening?
Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Does he, she, it have a shower at night?
Yes, he, she, it does.
No, he, she, it doesn’t.
get ➞ gets. have ➞ has. go ➞ goes.
2. What does Emma do every day? Read and complete in your notebook.
• Now look and say.
In the evening. At night.
In the morning.
Emma 1). (get up) at seven o’clock and 2). (have) breakfast.
She 3). (go) to school at nine o’clock.
In the afternoon.
Emma gets home at four o’clock. Then she 4). (do) her homework and 5). (watch)
3. Ask and answer.
A: Does Emma get up at six o’clock?
B: No, she doesn’t. She gets up at seven.
4. What about you? Tell the class.
In the morning I have my breakfast.
5. Let's play!
I pip pop in the morning.
At seven o’clock.
What time do you pip pop?
Do you get up?
Module 6.
pagina 44.
page 44.
Unit 12b.
Environment Day!
1. Listen and read.
1. I love the forest in summer!
Yes! Summer is magic!
2. In summer, the flowers give food to the bees!
3. What do the bees do?
The bees help the flowers grow!
4. What do the birds do?
They make nests for their babies!
5. Today’s a very special day.
Let’s celebrate!
Happy Environment Day! Today and every day!
Module 6.
pagina 45.
page 45.
summer. autumn. winter. spring. baby. bird. give.
We, You, They pick fruit in summer.
We, You, They don’t go to school in summer.
Do we, you, they pick fruit in winter?
Yes, we, you, they do.
No, we, you, they don’t.
2. Fairies in the forest! Read and match in your notebook.
1. The spring fairies fly kites and pick flowers.
2. The autumn fairies make umbrellas and collect fruit and nuts.
3. The winter fairies dance in the snow and ski down the branches of the trees.
4. The summer fairies swim all day and sing with the birds.
• Now talk with your friend.
A: What’s your favourite season?
B: Spring.
A: What do you do in spring?
B: I fly my kite.
My Magic Files!
our Magic World.
Module 6.
pagina 46.
page 46.
Unit 12c.
Another lovely day!
1. Listen and point.
Tick Tock, it’s eight o’clock,
Another lovely day!
I have a shower, I go to school,
I’m happy it’s today!
Tick Tock, it’s one o’clock,
Another lovely day!
I eat my lunch, I play outside,
I’m happy it’s today!
Tick Tock, it’s six o’clock,
Another lovely day!
I watch TV, I ride my bike,
I’m happy it’s today!
Tick Tock, it’s ten o’clock,
Another lovely day!
I read a book, I go to sleep,
I’m happy it’s today!
• Now sing and do!
2. Look and say.
1. Harry’s favourite day is Friday.
Sunday. Wednesday. Friday. Saturday.
Module 6.
pagina 47.
page 47.
Monday. Tuesday. Wednesday. Thursday. Friday. Saturday. Sunday.
3. Read and choose the best title. Then listen and read.
My favourite day. At the cinema. Days of the week.
My favourite day is Sunday.
On Sundays I get up late and I have a big breakfast!
Then I play football with my friends in the park.
In the afternoon, I go to the cinema with my father. I love Sundays!
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
My favourite day is Saturday. I go to the park with my friends.
I love Saturdays!
5. Listen and say. Then read.
Sharon sells shoes on Saturdays.
Module 6.
pagina 48.
page 48.
Troll Tales!
Episode 6: Listen and read.
1. Hooray! It’s Saturday!
Let’s go to the fair!
2. Look! There are some cakes over there.
3. Boo, hoo!
No one likes my cakes.
4. Oh, hi, Trog! Do you like cakes?
Yes, I do. They look tasty.
5. Mmm. yummy!
6. Ha, ha. you look like a big strawberry now!
Oh no! Help!
• Now take roles and read.
Module 6.
pagina 49.
page 49.
Go Green!
Veggie Power!
1. Look and say which part we eat!
Bulb. Root. Leave.s Fruit. Seeds.
2. Make your Veggie Power salad!
pagina 50.
page 50.
Our World.
1. Read and match in your notebook.
1. Hello, I’m Winnie the Pooh. I’m from the UK. My favourite food is honey.
2. Hi, I’m Bugs Bunny. I’m from the USA. I like carrots. Yummy!
3. Hello, I’m Pucca. I’m from Japan.
My favourite food is sushi!
2. Portfolio: Draw or stick a picture of your favourite cartoon
character. Present it to the class.
Module 6.
pagina 51.
page 51.
Units 11-12.
1. Read and match in your notebook.
1. I like burgers. Yummy!
2. I don’t like meat. Yuk!
3. I like chocolate. Yummy!
4. I don’t like carrots. Yuk!
5. I don’t like milk. Yuk!
6. I like pineapples. Yummy!
A. B. C. D. E. F.
2. Read and complete in your notebook.
1. A: When. you. to school?
B: eight o’clock.
2 A: When. Emma. TV?
B: .the afternoon.
3. A: When. you. lunch?
B: one o’clock.
4. A: When. Lee. a shower?
B: the evening.
5. A: When. Alvin and Erlina. to music?
B: night.
6. A: When. Mona. to bed?
B: nine o’clock.
3. Read and answer.
1. What’s your favourite season?
2. What do you do in?
Now I can.
• talk about food.
• talk about likes and dislikes.
• tell the time.
• read and write about daily routines.
• talk about seasons.
• say the days of the week.
in English.
Module 6.
pagina 52.
page 52.
Our school.
1. Look and match.
1. 2. 3. 4.
A. Cha – cha – cha!
B. Splash - splash - splash!
C. Boing - boing - boing!
D. Plink - plink - plink!
2. Complete the poem in your notebook.
I can dance, I can dance,
Cha – cha – cha!
I can swim, I can swim,
I can play the piano,
I can jump, I can jump,
3. Portfolio: Make your own poem.
Module 4. Cross-Curricular Section.
pagina 53.
page 53.
Our school.
Alaska. Australia.
In Alaska, it is very cold and there is a lot of snow.
In Australia, it is very hot and sunny.
1. Pack your suitcase! Look and match in your notebook.
Alaska. Australia.
2. portfolio: Choose a country. Pack your suitcase.
Present your picture to the class.
Module 5. Cross-Curricular Section.
pagina 54.
page 54.
Our school.
1. Read and complete in your notebook.
1) Bees.
move to a new home.
Bees fly from flower to 2).
They make a lot of honey.
Bees eat their 3).
It’s cold.
Bees get their 4). ready for winter.
2. Portfolio: Make a honey bee mobile.
Module 6. Cross-Curricular Section.
pagina 55.
page 55.
• Talk with your friend.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
pagina 56.
page 56.
Happy Easter.
1. Read and complete in your notebook. Use: hat, flowers, chocolate, tree, eggs,
It’s Easter morning. Ellie and Ned wake up early.
They have 1). and toast for breakfast. Mum gives them an Easter 2). for the
Easter egg hunt!
They go into the garden to look for the 3). eggs. Where are they?
There are two under the 4). There are four on the chair.
There are six in the 5). There are four in Dad’s 6)., too!
They collect the eggs and put them in their baskets. Then, they count them.
Ellie and Ned have got the same number of eggs!
2. Now answer!
1. How many eggs are there all together?
2. How many eggs have Ellie and Ned got each?
pagina 57.
page 57.
3. Count and match in your notebook.
18 + 2.
2 + 8.
1 + 9.
8 + 7.
15 + 5.
9 + 6.
10. A.
15. B.
20. C.
9 + 11.
5 + 5.
6 + 4.
10 + 5.
9 + 1.
4. Craftwork: Make an Easter basket.
pagina 58.
page 58.
Mother's Day.
1. Let’s sing!
I love you, Mummy,
I really do!
You’re always happy.
And funny, too!
When it is sunny,
I think of you!
I love you, Mummy,
You love me, too!
2. My mummy!
Mummy. love.
pagina 59.
page 59.
3. What’s the secret message? Use the code to find out.
A = 1.
B = 2.
C = 3.
D = 4.
E = 5.
F = 6.
G = 7.
H = 8.
I = 9.
J = 10.
K = 11.
L = 12.
M = 13.
N = 14.
O = 15.
P = 16.
Q = 17.
R = 18.
S = 19.
T = 20.
U = 21.
V = 22.
W = 23.
X = 24.
Y = 25.
Z = 26.
8. 1. 22. 5. 1. 23. 15. 14. 4. 5. 18. 6. 21. 12. 4. 1. 25.
• Write a secret Mother’s Day message in your notebook.
Ask your friend to read it.
4. Give your mum an award.
Dear Mum,
You are the greatest Mum on Earth!
Happy Mother’s Day!
This is for you, Mum. Happy Mother’s Day!
5. Portfolio: What other special holidays do you know?
Make a calendar. Present it to the class.
pagina 60.
page 60.
Fun Time 7.
1. Look and complete in your notebook.
This is Bozo the clown.
He’s got. hair, eyes and a. mouth.
Look at his nose. It’s! Bozo has got a. hat, too.
He’s very funny!
2. Read and complete in your notebook.
• park. • home. • picture. • kitten.
I’m at 1).
Call me!
I’ve got a 2)! It’s so cute! Here is a 3).
Can you come to the 4). with me? Text me.
3. Write a message for your friend in your notebook.
pagina 61.
page 61.
4. Write what they have got and what they haven’t got in your notebook.
John & Tony.
Helen & Nancy.
1. Pam has got a ball and roller-skates, but she hasn’t got a teddy bear or a
5. Read the story. Look at the pictures and complete in your notebook.
I have got two long 1) ears. I have got four 2).
and a small 3). I am fast. I like carrots.
What am I?
I am a 4).
pagina 62.
page 62.
Fun Time 8.
1. Choose the correct word.
1. radio, piano.
2. magician, rabbit.
3. seat belt, helmet.
4. circus, clown.
5. mask, glasses.
6. motorbike, car.
2. Look, read and match in your notebook.
a. fly. b. dance. c. drive. d. run. e. jump. f. do karate. g. swim. h. ride a
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
pagina 63.
page 63.
3. What can Tina do? What can’t she do? Look, read and write in your notebook.
Tina 1) can draw. She 2), but she 3). the piano.
4. Look, read and write in your notebook.
What are 1). pandas like?
They’ve got a big 2). h. and a short 3). t. They’ve got small 4) e, too!
Can they 5) f?
No, they 6) c!
pagina 64.
page 64.
Fun Time 9.
1. Look and write in your notebook.
It’s hot.
It’s snowing.
It’s windy.
It’s raining.
It’s sunny.
It’s cold.
It’s cold.
2. Read and write in your notebook.
Dear Mum and Dad,
We 1) ’re having (have) a great time here in Spain.
It’s hot today! The sun 2). (shine). Peter and Mike love the beach!
I 3). (sit) under my umbrella and Peter 4). (play) in the water and he 5). (get)
Anna and Mike 6). (swim).
We like it here.
pagina 65.
page 65.
3. Match in your notebook.
1. printer.
2. keyboard.
3. speakers.
4. mouse.
5. screen.
a. b. c. d. e.
4. Read and match in your notebook.
1. cut. 2. copy. 3. paste. 4. save. 5. print.
a. b. c. d. e.
5. Make sentences in your notebook or using a computer.
1. they, not play football.
They aren’t playing football.
2. the monkey, not climb, the tree.
3. the lions, sleeping?
4. the rhino, drink water.
5. the birds, not fly.
6. the giraffe, eat?
7. the birds, sit, on the hippo?
8. the zebras, run, fast.
pagina 66.
page 66.
Fun Time 10.
1. Look, read and number the sentences in your notebook.
a. It’s an elephant.
b. It’s a hippo.
c. It’s a kangaroo.
d. It’s a crocodile.
e. It’s a giraffe.
f. It’s a lion.
g. It’s a seal.
h. It’s a panda.
i. It’s a zebra.
j. It’s a goat.
k. It’s a rhino.
l. It’s a monkey.
pagina 67.
page 67.
2. Read and choose.
1. Listen! Kevin. the piano.
A. are playing. B. is playing.
2. Where’s Tina? on the phone?
A. She is talking. B. Is she talking.
3. The children! They’re playing.
A. isn’t eating. B. aren’t eating.
4. What. wearing? Is it a hat?
A. you are. B. are you.
5. Look, Mum! I. a snowman!
A. ’m making. B. making.
6. Mary ! She’s jumping.
A. isn’t dancing.
B. aren’t dancing.
7. Be quiet! Dad.
A. are sleeping. B. is sleeping.
8. You. to the teacher!
A. isn’t listening.
B. aren’t listening.
3. Read and answer.
1. A: Is he reading a book?
B: Yes, he is.
2. A: Is he singing?
B: No, he isn’t.
He’s sleeping.
3. A: Is he eating?
4. A: Are they riding a horse?
5. A: Is she playing the piano?
6. A: Are they swimming?
pagina 68.
page 68.
Fun Time 11.
1. Listen and choose. Talk with your friend.
ten pence, 10p. twenty pence, 20p. one pound, £1
Can I have some tea, please?
How much is it?
Here you are.
1. A. £1.
B. £2.
2. A. £5.
B. £2.
3. A. 16p.
B. 20p.
4. A. £2.20
B. £5.
5. A. £1.
B. £3.
6. A. £3.10.
B. £1.20.
2. What time is it? Look and say.
1. It’s eight o’clock.
pagina 69.
page 69.
3. Read and complete. Use: like or don’t like.
1. I don’t like milk.
2. You. rice.
3. I. pineapples.
4. You. ice cream.
5. You. sandwiches.
6. I. meat.
7. I. chicken.
8. I. potatoes.
4. Read and complete. Use: some or any.
1. Mum, is there any apple juice?
2. We’ve got. orange juice, but we haven’t got. milk.
3. Sorry, but there isn’t. sugar!
4. Is there. spaghetti in the cupboard?
5. There isn’t. rice on the table.
6. There aren’t. sandwiches in my lunch box.
7. There is. ice cream in the fridge.
8. Are there. tomatoes in the garden?
5. Complete. Use: a, an or some.
1. an orange.
2. banana.
3. bread.
4. hot dog.
5. rice.
6. apple.
7. milk.
8. fairy cakes.
pagina 70.
page 70.
Fun Time 12.
1. Look and complete in your notebook.
1. get up.
2. have a s.
3. have b.
4. go to w.
5. have I.
6. listen to m.
7. go j.
8. do h.
9. go to b.
pagina 71.
page 71.
2. Read and choose.
1. I eat, eats fruit.
2. We do, does our homework in the afternoon.
3. Do, Does they talk in class?
4. Robert walk, walks to work in the morning.
5. Does, Do the girls like football?
6. You don’t, doesn’t go to school in summer.
7. Does, Do your dog sleep in your bedroom?
8. They don’t, doesn’t listen to the teacher.
3. What does Wendy do every day? Read and choose.
Wendy 1). at 7 o’clock every day and 2). breakfast.
She 3). to school at 8 o’clock. She 4). lunch at 1 o’clock.
She 5). home at 4 o’clock. Then she 6). her homework.
In the evening she 7). to music or 8). TV. She 9). to bed at 10 o’clock.
1. A. gets up. B. get up.
2. A. have. B. has.
3. A. goes. B. go.
4. A. have. B. has.
5. A. comes. B. come.
6. A. does. B. do.
7. A. listens. B. listen.
8. A. watches. B. watching.
9. A. goes. B. go.
pagina 72.
page 72.
1. Look, read and write yes or no in your notebook.
1. This is a helmet.
2. This is a skirt.
3. This is a sausage.
4. This is a bird.
5. This is a pineapple.
2. Complete in your notebook.
My monster.
My monster has got a big 1) hdea. and a long 2) soen.
It’s got three 3) seye, short 4) egls. and big 5) tefe.
It hasn’t got ears. It is very funny.
3. Read and choose.
1. He has, have got small ears.
2. The baby has got 2 small tooth, teeth.
3. Can you help me? I can, can’t draw.
4. What you are doing, are you doing today?
5. There are some, any fairy cakes in the fridge.
4. Read and choose.
1. A: What’s Mike like?
B: a)He’s got dark hair and blue eyes.
b) He likes bananas.
2. A: Can you play the piano?
B: a) Yes, I have.
b) Yes, I can.
3. A: What are you wearing today?
B: a) It’s blue.
b) My new trousers.
4. A: Are there any tomatoes?
B: a) Yes, there are.
b) Yes, they are.
5. A: What do you do in the afternoon?
B: a) I watch TV.
b) It’s five o’clock.
Published by Express Publishing.
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Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom.
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© Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans, 2015.
Colour Illustrations: © Express Publishing, 2015.
Illustrated by Simon Andrews, Alexandra Lewis, Alan Shephard, Stone, Terry
Wilson © Express Publishing, 2015.
First published 2015.
Made in EU.
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This book is not meant to be changed in any way.
ISBN 978-1-4715-4029-5.
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed
their skills to producing
this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Meryl
Philips (Editor in Chief),
Julie Rich (senior editor); Alex Barton (senior production controller) and the
Express Publishing design
team; and Emily Newton, Kevin Harris, Daniel Parker, Erica Thompson and Timothy
Forster. We would
also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript,
and whose comments
and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book. Special thanks to
Bridget, Chris,
Georgina, Anna, Dennis, George and Jackie who took part in the recording.
Digital Book software developed by Infomedia Pro.
The authors and publishers wish to thank the following who have kindly given
permission for the use
of photographic material:
cinetext for the pictures of Daisy Duck, Pinocchio, Bugs Bunny, the Simpsons and
Shrek on pp. 5, 9 and
50; everett/ for the pictures of Tasmanian Devil, Winnie the Pooh on
pp. 5 and 50.
Every effort has been made to trace all the copyright holders. If any have been
overlooked, the publishers will be pleased to make the necessary arrangements at
the first opportunity.
Fairyland 3B is a course for young learners of English.
Pupils follow the adventures of four children and their friends from the Magic
• Pupil’s Book.
• Digital Book.
• Activity Book.
• Teacher’s Book.
• Picture Flashcards.
• Posters.
• Teacher’s Resource Pack.
ISBN 978-1-4715-4029-5.
Express Publishing.