
ISBN 978-1-4715-4587-0 / 9781471545870

Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării Ştiinţifice.
Limba modernă-engleză.
Clasa a patra.
Semestrul Întâi.
Pupil's Book.
Jenny Dooley – Virginia Evans.
Grup Educaţional.
Uniscan Grup Educaţional.
Express Publishing.

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Ministerul Educaţiei şi Cercetării Ştiinţifice.
Limba modernă-engleză.
Clasa a patra.
Semestrul 1.
Pupil’s Book.
Jenny Dooley – Virginia Evans.
Programa şcolară pentru disciplina LIMBA MODERNĂ Clasele a treia – a patra,
aprobată prin Anexa nr. 2 la ordinul ministrului educaţiei naţionale nr. 5003, 02.12.2014.
Siguranţa copiilor pe Internet.
internet helpline.
80 pagini.
116.111 - numărul de telefon european de asistenţă pentru copii.

pagina 2.
page 2.
Competences. Vocabulary. Structures. Project.
Starter Unit.
(page 4-7).
It’s nice to be back!
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies, habits.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
3.3. Identify specific information (name, age, address) in a simple form.
revision numbers (1-100).
Module 1.
Unit 1.
(page 8-13).
1a. Hello.
1b. The Mirror.
1c. Super Gran.
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral messages (films, songs for children).
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies, habits.
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
• countries.
• appearance.
• character.
• family members.
• abilities.
• the verb ‘to be’.
• the verb ‘have got’.
• possessive adjectives.
• the verb ‘can’.
Write about your super family.
Unit 2.
(page 14-23).
2a. Chores.
2b. Waterland.
2c. A wonderful time.
Troll Tales! 1.
Go Green! 1.
Our World.
(Units 1 - 2).
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral messages (films, songs for children).
2.2. Identify and present everyday activities.
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
4.1. Fill in a form with personal information.
• household activities.
• sports.
• actions.
• present continuous.
• prepositions of movement.
Write a description of a picture.
Module 2.
Unit 3.
(page 24-29).
3a. In town.
3b. A new scarf.
3c. The Green Cross Code.
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.2. Follow simple guided instructions to achieve an objective.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral messages (films, songs for children).
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies, habits.
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
• buildings.
• directions.
• clothes.
• prices.
• the Green Cross Code.
• prepositions of place.
• plurals.
• imperative.
Write about your neighbourhood.
Unit 4.
(page 30-39).
4a. A space trip.
4b. XL in concert!
4c. A happy person.
Troll Tales! 2.
Go Green! 2.
Our World.
(Units 3 - 4).
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral messages (films, songs for children).
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies, habits.
2.2. Identify and present everyday activities.
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
• jobs.
• daily routine.
• free-time activities.
• school subjects.
• present simple.
• adverbs of frequency.
• prepositions of time.
Write about your daily routine and favourite subject.

pagina 3.
page 3.
Competences. Vocabulary. Structures. Project.
Module 3.
Unit 5.
(page 40-45).
5a. The Country Code.
5b. Yes, doctor!
5c. Stay healthy!
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral messages (films, songs for children).
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies, habits.
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
• country code.
• rules.
• illnesses.
• advice.
• must, mustn’t.
• should, shouldn’t.
• object pronouns.
Give advice.
Unit 6.
(page. 46-55).
6a. Yumville.
6b. Meal time.
6c. On the shelves.
Troll Tales! 3.
Go Green! 3.
Our World.
(Units 5 - 6).
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral messages (films, songs for children).
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies, habits.
2.2. Identify and present everyday activities.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
• food.
• containers.
• much, many, a lot of.
• some, any.
• containers.
• prepositions of place.
Write a note.
Our School.
(page 56-58).
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral messages (films, songs for children).
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
(page 59-61).
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
Happy Halloween!
(page 62-63).
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral messages (films, songs for children).
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
Happy New Year!
(page 64-65).
1.3. Develop interest and general comprehension of a variety of simple oral messages (films, songs for children).
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
3.2. Identify important information in texts that present events.
Fun Time.
(page 66-79).
1.1. Identify details of clearly articulated simple messages in known contexts.
2.1. Request and provide information on home, family, address, people, hobbies, habits.
2.2. Identify and present everyday activities.
2.3. Describe objects or houses.
3.1. Identify information in simple texts.
4.1. Fill in a form with personal information.
4.2. Write simple messages about oneself and others.
(page 80).

pagina 4.
page 4.
Starter Unit.
It’s nice to be back!
1. Who is it? Read and write in your notebook.
1. I live in the Magic Forest. I can fly.
2. I live in the Magic Forest. I’m the guardian. Who am I?
3. I’ve got red hair. I love football.
4. I’m very short. I wear green clothes.
5. I’ve got a dog. Her name is Missy.
Who am I?
6. My mum’s name is Kim. My dad’s name is Chin. My name is.
• Let’s sing!
Starter Unit.

pagina 5.
page 5.
2. Let’s play!
“I’m nine years old. I’ve got dark hair and brown eyes.
My schoolbag is yellow.”
Who am I?
3. My favourites! Complete in your notebook. Then talk with your friend.
Favourite colour:
Favourite toy:
Favourite animal:
Favourite food:
Favourite season:
Favourite day:
A: My favourite colour is blue.
What’s your favourite colour?
B: Green.
• Now tell the class.
My favourite colour is blue. Pam’s favourite colour is green.
4. Listen and draw in your notebook.
5. Read and match in your notebook. Then act out.
1. Hello, Mark.
2. These flowers are for you!
3. It’s very dark in here!
4. Who can help me?
5. A car! Thank you!
6. What are you doing?
7. Let’s go to the cinema!
8. I don’t like carrots!
a. I can!
b. We’re picking flowers!
c. You’re welcome!
d. They’re lovely. Thank you!
e. Good idea!
f. Hi, Alex.
g. I do!
h. Let’s open the curtains!
Starter Unit.

pagina 6.
page 6.
Starter Unit.
6. Listen and repeat. Then match in your notebook.
a hundred.
60. 30 100.
90. 40. 50.
70. 80.
7. Listen and choose.
A. 3. 13. 30.
B. 14. 4. 40.
C. 99. 9. 19.
D. 15. 50. 55.
E. 6. 16. 60.
F. 88. 8. 18.
8. Read and write in your notebook. Then act out.
1. A: What’s your phone number?
B: It’s four-three-seven-six-eight-one.
2. A: What’s your lucky number?
B: Eight!
3. A: How old are you?
B: Eleven!
4. A: What’s your address?
B: It’s fifty-five Queen Street.
Starter Unit.

pagina 7.
page 7.
Let's play!
1. Start.
2. What colour is it?
3. Miss a turn!
4. What number is it? 20.
5. What are they?
6. Is it an apple?
7. Where’s Alvin?
8. Miss a turn!
9. What’s your best friend’s name?
10. How do you spell?
11. What’s this?
12. What day is it today?
13. Do you like burgers?
14. What are these?
15. What’s the weather like today?
16. Finish.
Starter Unit.

pagina 8.
page 8.
Unit 1a.
Germany. Greece. Italy.
1. Listen and read.
1. Hello, everyone! It’s nice to see you again!
It’s nice to be back!
2. For me? Where is it from?
This is for you, Alvin.
3. It’s from the USA.
4. What is it?
Oh, it’s a mirror.
5. Yes, it’s a magic mirror!
2. Read and match in your notebook.
1. It’s nice to see you again!
2. Where is it from?
3. What is it?
a. It’s from the USA.
b. It’s a mirror.
c. It’s nice to be back!
Module 1.

pagina 9.
page 9.
Mexico. Peru. Poland. Portugal. Spain. Turkey.
I’m from the UK. My name is Bill.
They’re from Italy. Their names are Anna and Paolo.
He, She, It isn’t from Greece.
Are you from Portugal? Yes, I am./No, I’m not.
3. Read and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. Willow is, isn’t a tree.
2. Missy is, isn’t a cat.
3. Emma and Mona are, aren’t friends.
4. Erlina is, isn’t a fairy.
5. Alvin is, isn’t a teacher.
6. Harry and Lee are, aren’t brothers.
4. Follow the lines and answer.
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. Are Kostas and Alexis from Greece?
Yes, they are.
2. Is Bozena from Portugal?
3. Is Santos from Spain?
4. Are Sibel and Cari from Mexico?
5. Now point and talk with your friend.
1. A: What are their names?
B: Their names are Kostas and Alexis.
A: Where are they from?
B: They’re from Greece.
My Magic Files!
my Magic Trick.
Module 1.

pagina 10.
page 10.
Unit 1b.
The Mirror.
slim. tall. short. fat.
1. Listen and read.
1. A magic mirror!
Yes. It’s from my cousin, Patrick.
2. Why is it a magic mirror?
Have a look!
3. I’ve got short curly hair and glasses! I look silly!
4. I’ve got long straight hair. I look beautiful!
5. Look at Lee. He’s tall and he’s got long hair!
6. Alvin! You’re old and fat and you’ve got a big nose!
I look like my uncle!
2. Read and correct in your notebook.
In the magic mirror.
1. Emma’s got long hair.
2. Mona’s got curly hair.
3. Lee’s short.
4. Alvin’s thin.
Module 1.

pagina 11.
page 11.
beautiful. handsome. curly hair. straight hair. aunt. uncle. cousin.
I’ve got blue eyes.
He, She, It’s got a big nose.
We, You, They’ve got curly hair.
Have you got dark hair?
I haven’t got fair hair.
He, She, It hasn’t got straight hair.
We, You, They haven’t got big ears.
Yes, I have. No, I haven’t.
3. Look, read and write in your notebook.
1. Uncle Fergus is old and fat.
2. He. a big nose! He’s very funny.
3. Aunt Mary. long curly hair.
4. She. very kind and friendly.
5. Cousin Patrick. dark hair and big ears.
6. He. very clever!
4. Talk with your friend.
A: What does Uncle Fergus look like?
B: He’s got a big nose.
A: What’s he like?
B: He’s very funny!
5. Listen and match in your notebook.
A. Tom Tones.
B. Paul Pop.
C. John Fame.
D. Sam Star.
1. A.
6. Let's play!
A: Has he got glasses?
B: No, he hasn’t.
A: Has he got long dark hair?
B: Yes, he has.
A: Is it Paul Pop?
B: Yes, it is.
Module 1.

pagina 12.
page 12.
Unit 1c.
Super Gran.
lift a double-decker bus.
1. Listen and complete in your notebook.
I’ve got a super grandma,
I call her Super Gran!
Can you 1).
A skateboard on your head?
My super granny can!
Oh, my granny!
I’ve 2).
A Super Gran.
She’s a super duper grandma.
And I call her Super Gran!
I’ve got a super grandma,
I call her Super Gran!
Can you 3).
A double-decker bus?
My super granny can!
• Now sing along!
Can you clap your hands behind your back?
Yes, I can! Look!
2. Let's play!
Module 1.

pagina 13.
page 13.
swim across the ocean. see through a door. skateboard.
3. Read and complete in your notebook. Then listen and read.
My Super Duper Family.
This is my super mum.
She’s got short curly hair.
She can jump over a 1).
This is my super dad. He’s got short fair hair.
He can see through a 2).
This is my super uncle. He’s got long dark hair.
He can fly over a 3).
This is my super aunt. She’s got long straight hair.
She can climb up a 4).
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
Thiß is my super cousin.
He’s got short curly hair.
He can swim across the ocean.
5. Listen and say. Then read.
Can a fat cat walk up a wall?
Module 1.

pagina 14.
page 14.
Unit 2a.
wash the dishes. mop the floor. vacuum the carpet.
1. Listen and read.
1. I think he’s dancing!
What’s Alvin doing?
2. He isn’t dancing.
He’s mopping the floor!
3. Alvin, where are the boys?
They’re in the kitchen.
They’re washing the dishes.
4. We’re helping with the chores.
5. Can we help, too?
Of course! You can wash the mirror.
6. What’s happening?
2. Read and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. He isn’t dancing.
A. Emma. B. Mona.
2. They’re in the kitchen.
A. Alvin. B. Erlina.
3. Can we help, too?
A. Alvin. B. Mona.
Module 1.

pagina 15.
page 15.
make the bed. water the plants. do the ironing. set the table.
What are you doing?
I’m vacuuming the carpet.
He’s mopping the floor.
He isn’t washing the dishes.
Are they making the beds?
Yes, they are. No, they aren’t.
do – doing. make – making. mop – mopping.
3. Read and complete in your notebook.
1. Erlina is watering the plants.
2. Harry and Emma. the dishes.
3. Alvin. the ironing.
4. Mona. the table.
5. Lee. the floor.
4. This is Ben Busy and his brothers and sisters.
Listen and match in your notebook.
Buddy. Brenda. Betty. Bob. Barry.
a. b. c. d. e.
5. Now take roles and talk with your friend.
1. Ben: Can you help me with my homework?
Buddy: Sorry, I can’t. I’m writing an email.
My Magic Files!
my Magic Trick.
Module 1.

pagina 16.
page 16.
Unit 2b.
tennis. sea cow.
1. Listen and read.
1. Look! They’re playing tennis!
Welcome to the Waterland Olympics!
2. The ball is going over the net. Well done, Mr Turtle!
3. The sea cows are getting ready to race!
Jump on! Quick!
4. They’re not going very fast!
5. Look over there! Food!
6. They’re eating burgers!
Waterland’s fantastic!
2. Read and say yes or no.
1. The children are in Waterland.
2. The ball is going over Mr Turtle.
3. The sea cows are playing tennis.
4. They’re eating burgers.
Module 1.

pagina 17.
page 17.
race. water-ski. hockey. volleyball. badminton. baseball.
The cat is jumping over the net.
over. through. into. out of. up. down.
3. Look, read and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. The teacher is walking through, into the door.
2. A girl is climbing down, up a bookcase.
3. A boy is jumping up, over a desk.
4. A girl is throwing a ball into, out of a bin.
5. A dog is jumping into, out of the window.
4. Talk with your friend.
1. 2. 3. 4.
1. A: What’s he doing?
B: He’s playing badminton.
5. Let's play!
You've got 3 minutes.
Write down.
1. three sports you need a net for.
2. two sports you can do in water.
3. three sports you play with a ball.
4. four team sports.
5. two sports where you can score a goal.
Module 1.

pagina 18.
page 18.
Unit 2c.
A wonderful time.
1. Listen and point.
The animals down in the ocean.
Are having a wonderful time,
The turtles are all playing tennis.
And the sea cows are standing in line!
We are, we are.
We’re having a wonderful time – today!
We are, we are.
We’re having a wonderful day!
The animals down in the ocean.
Are having a wonderful time,
The dolphins are playing the piano.
And the starfish are dancing in line!
• Now sing and do!
2. Look at the picture and answer the questions in your notebook.
Use one-word answers.
1. How many children are there?
2. What is the girl wearing on her head?
3. What are they playing?
4. What is the fish doing?
Module 1.

pagina 19.
page 19.
starfish. skiing. table tennis. basketball. violin. drums.
3. Read and write A, B or C in your notebook. Then listen and read.
A. I’m in Italy in this picture. Look! I’m eating a big ice cream.
B. This is me in Germany.
It’s very cold, but.
I’m having fun.
Look! I'm skiing!
C. This is a photo of me at our school concert.
I’m playing the violin.
1. I’m in Germany. B.
2. I’m playing music.
3. It’s very cold.
4. I’m eating an ice cream.
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
This is me at summer camp. I’m playing basketball.
I’m having a wonderful time!
5. Listen and say. Then read.
Gus and Gordon are singing and dancing!
Module 1.

pagina 20.
page 20.
Troll Tales!
Episode 1: Listen and read.
1. Nice flowers! Are they for me?
No! They are for Mog!
2. Who’s Mog?
My friend!
3. She’s from Troll Town. She’s beautiful!
4. Grr! Mog is my friend!
No, she isn’t!
She’s my friend!
5. No, she isn’t.
Yes, she is!
6. Hello, boys! This is my friend, Hugo!
We’re going to a party! Bye!
• Now take roles and read.
Module 1.

pagina 21.
page 21.
Go Green! 1.
Animals in the ocean!
1. What am I? Read and say.
1. I’m usually red, but I can be lots of colours!
I’ve got five arms. I can’t move very fast.
2. I’m quite small and I’ve got a long tail and a long nose.
I’m very beautiful!
3. I’ve got a fat body, two arms and a tail.
I can’t swim very fast. I don’t eat meat, only vegetables!
sea horse.
sea cow.
2. Take it out of the ocean! Look and choose.

pagina 22.
page 22.
Our world.
a. b. c.
1. Look, read and match in your notebook.
1. Hello. My name’s Asterix.
I’m from France. I’ve got a big yellow moustache and a funny hat!
I’m very strong!
2. Hi! My name’s Atomic Betty. I’m from Canada. I’ve got red hair and green eyes.
I’ve got a spaceship and I can travel to other planets!
3. Hi, kids. My name’s Superman.
I’m from the USA. I’ve got a blue and red costume.
I can fly and I can see through walls.
2. Read and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. Asterix is from France, the USA.
2. Atomic Betty has got a planet, spaceship.
3. Asterix has got a yellow hat, moustache.
4. Superman has got a blue and red costume, dress.
3. Portfolio: In groups, draw and write about your favourite cartoon superheroes in your notebook.
Present it to the class. You can find information on the Internet.
Module 1.

pagina 23.
page 23.
Units 1 - 2.
1. Look, read and choose.
Write in your notebook.
This is my super family.
We are from the UK.
My grandma can 1) fly, lift a lorry!
My grandpa can see 2) through, up walls!
My mum’s got 3) fair, dark hair.
My dad’s got 4) long, short hair.
My mum and dad can fly 5) into, over houses.
2. Look and complete in your notebook. Then choose.
1. baseball?
Yes, they are.
No, they aren’t.
2. the bed?
Yes, he is. No, he isn’t.
3. the dishes?
Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
4. the ironing?
Yes, she is. No, she isn’t.
3. Read and match in your notebook.
1. Where is she from?
2. What’s he like?
3. What’s he doing?
4. Can you help me, please?
5. What does Ann look like?
a. He’s very funny!
b. Dancing, I think.
c. Sorry, I’m mopping the floor.
d. Spain.
e. She’s tall and slim.
Now I can.
• talk about countries.
• describe people and talk about their personalities.
• talk about what people can do.
• talk about actions happening now.
• ask for help.
in English.
Module 1.

pagina 24.
page 24.
Unit 3a.
In town.
town. bank. butcher’s.
1. Listen and read.
1. Where’s Mum, Gran?
In town. She’s at the bank.
2. Mum, meet me in Hill Street. There’s a new clothes shop here!
3. Great! Come on, Missy!
Get ready. We’re going out!
4. Excuse me. Where’s the clothes shop, please?
It’s opposite the hospital, next to the baker’s.
5.Gran? Are you sure this is the shop?
Where are you? I’m waiting in Hill Street!
6. Hill Street? Oh, dear!
We’re in Mill Street!
2. Read and choose the places. Write in your notebook.
1. bank.
2. supermarket.
3. clothes shop.
4. hospital.
5. hotel.
6. baker’s.
Module 2.

pagina 25.
page 25.
supermarket. baker’s. hotel. greengrocer’s. police station. post office.
Where’s the clothes shop? It’s opposite the hospital.
opposite. next to. between. on the left. on the right.
3. Look and write in your notebook.
1. The bank is opposite the post office.
2. The hotel is. the park.
3. The butcher’s is. the bank and the greengrocer’s.
4. The police station is. the park.
5. The supermarket is. the bank.
• Now ask and answer.
1. A: Excuse me, where’s the bank?
B: It’s opposite the post office.
4. Where is Kitty the cat?
Listen, look at the map again and write A, B or C in your notebook.
5. Read and answer.
Where can you.
Buy a? At the toyshop.
buy a?
6. Let's play!
Can I have a ball, please?
Here you are.
Thank you.
You’re at the toyshop!
Module 2.

pagina 26.
page 26.
Unit 3b.
A new scarf.
jumper. jeans.
1. Listen and read.
1. Excuse me, where are the jumpers, please?
2. Over there, next to the jeans.
Thank you.
3. How much is this jumper, please?
It’s £15.50.
4. Look at my new scarf!
It’s lovely!
5. Let’s go home now.
6. Oh, no! Look at your new scarf!
2. Read and match in your notebook.
1. Where are the jumpers?
2. How much is this jumper?
3. Look at my new scarf!
a. It’s lovely!
b. Next to the jeans.
c. £15.50.
Module 2.

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scarf. cap. coat. gloves. pyjamas. slippers.
How much is this cap? It’s £5.60.
How much are these gloves? They’re £11.80.
cap – caps. BUT. dress – dresses. scarf – scarves.
1p = one penny.
£1 = one pound.
2p = two pence.
£2 = two pounds.
3. Complete in your notebook.
1. How much is this coat?
2. How much?
3. How much?
4. How much?
5. How much?
6. How much?
4. Now talk with your friend.
A: How much is this coat, please?
B: It’s ninety-three pounds, nine.
5. Read and say yes or no.
1. Jake’s got £20. He can buy the jumper.
2. Troy’s got £35. He can buy the scarves.
3. Ann’s got £10. She can buy the slippers.
4. Pam’s got £16. She can buy the pyjamas.
My Magic Files!
my Magic Trick.
Module 2.

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Unit 3c.
The Green Cross Code.
1. Listen and read.
Use the Green Cross Code.
When you cross the road:
Stop, look and listen!
Find a safe place to cross,
Then stand and wait!
Use your ears, use your eyes,
Look left, look right!
Do not cross the road
Until it is safe!
Walk across, never run,
And look both ways!
Stop children.
• Now sing and do!
2. Streetwise! Look and say.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
1. Never play in the street!
2. Always stop before you cross the street!
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walk across. bus stop. restaurant. cinema.
3. Read and complete in your notebook. Then listen and read.
This is my neighbourhood. My house is in Hill Street, next to the . u . r. ket.
There’s a big park opposite my house. My favourite shop is a sweet shop in Troy Street.
It’s between the . a . r’s and the restaurant. My school is in Green Street. Can you see it?
It’s next to the .ne .
4. Draw and write in your notebook.
This is my neighbourhood.
My house is in King Street, opposite the baker’s.
5. Listen and say. Then read.
Only frogs and toads can cross the road!
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Unit 4a.
A space trip.
spaceship. planet. moon.
1. Listen and read.
1. Look at the mirror!
The moon looks so beautiful!
2. Wow! We’re in a spaceship!
Hi, I’m Andy. I’m an astronaut!
3. I fly into space. I go to a different planet every week!
4. Do you cook in here?
Yes! I do everything in here. I even do my shopping!
5. Do you know any aliens?
Of course I do!
Look! That’s XL!
6. Who’s XL?
Wait and see!
Planet Rox, here we come!
2. Read and say yes or no.
1. Andy is an astronaut.
2. He cooks in his spaceship.
3. XL is an astronaut, too.
4. He is from the Magic Forest.
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astronaut. alien. chef. cook. pilot. greengrocer. baker. mechanic.
3. Look and write in your notebook.
1. He’s an astronaut.
He flies (fly) into space.
2. He’s a.
He. (sell) vegetables.
3. He’s a.
He. (make) bread.
4. He’s a.
He. (fix) cars.
I fix cars.
He flies into space.
They don’t sell vegetables.
Does she like fish?
Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t.
know – knows.
go – goes.
fly – flies.
make – makes.
4. Correct your teacher.
Teacher: An astronaut makes bread.
Pupil: No, an astronaut doesn’t make bread. He flies into space.
5. Look and say.
• be a famous singer.
• have a big car.
• go into space.
• be a footballer.
• buy a big boat.
• go to Africa.
When Mona grows up, she wants to be a famous singer. She.
• What about you?
6. Draw in your notebook.
Then talk with your friend.
A: Do you like football?
B: Of course I do! I play football every day!
My Magic Files!
my Magic Trick.
Module 2.

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Unit 4b.
XL in concert!
1. Listen and read.
1. XL is a famous rock star. He sings and plays the guitar.
Wow! A space concert!
2. Come on. Let’s go and meet him!
3. You’re fantastic!
How often do you play in concert?
Twice a week.
4. You’re a great dancer!
Thanks! I always dance when I sing.
5. I’ve got a great body.
I go to the gym every morning.
6. It’s half past eleven!
Time to go!
Come again soon. Bye!
2. Read and answer. Write in your notebook.
1. Does XL play the piano?
2. Does he play in concert every day?
3. Does he dance when he sings?
4. Does he go to the gym in the morning?
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go to the gym. go shopping. get dressed. visit. study.
I always get up at half past eight.
I usually go to the gym in the afternoon.
I sometimes go to the park.
I never go to school on Sundays.
3. All about Emma! Look and complete in your notebook.
1. Emma always wears a skirt.
2. She. studies after school.
3. She. watches sport on TV.
4. She. has cereal for breakfast.
5. She. eats chocolate.
4. Listen and write the times in your notebook.
• When does XL.
1. get up?
2. go to the gym?
3. go to bed?
5. Make true sentences about you and your friend.
How often do you .
eat fruit?
get up late?
meet your friends after school?
help with the chores?
play football?
I eat fruit every day. My friend never eats fruit.
6. Let's play!
• What do I do in the morning?
First you get up. Then you wash your face!
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Unit 4c.
A happy person.
Art. English.
1. Read and complete in your notebook. Then listen and check.
I like playing 1),
And watching kids’ cartoons.
I like eating sushi,
And fishing on the 2)!
I’m a happy kind of person,
I always laugh and smile.
I’m a happy kind of person,
People like my style!
I like having picnics,
And skipping in the 3).
I like planting flowers,
And riding in a 4)!
• Now sing along!
2. A happy pupil! Match in your notebook. Then talk with your friend.
a. ♥ paint pictures.
b. ♥ work with numbers.
c. ♥ play the violin.
d. ♥ play sport.
e. ♥ use the computer.
A: What’s your favourite subject?
B: Art.
A: Why?
B: Because I love painting.
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Geography. History. ICT. Maths. Music. PE. Science.
3. Read and answer. Then listen and read.
Fred usually gets up at half past eight.
He has breakfast and then goes to school.
His favourite subject is Maths because he wants to be an astronaut when he grows up!
Jack loves reading stories about aliens. His favourite subject is English.
He wants to be a famous writer one day.
1. Who gets up at half past eight?
2. Whose favourite subject is English?
3. Who wants to be a writer?
4. Who wants to be an astronaut?
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
I love painting pictures. My favourite subject is Art.
I want to be a famous artist one day.
5. Listen and say. Then read.
He washes his spaceship every Saturday.
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page 36.
Troll Tales!
Episode 2: Listen and read.
1. Nice car, boys!
Can I drive it?
No! Pixies can’t drive!
2. Put your seatbelt on, Trog!
I know, Pog!
3. OK, start the car and go slow!
Yes, Pog!
4. Now, turn left and stop at the red light!
I know, Pog! I always stop at the red light!
5. I like driving our new car!
Trog, be careful!
6. Grr! You never listen to me!
Well, trolls can’t drive either!
• Now take roles and read.
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page 37.
Go Green! 2.
Mr Waste or Mr Green?
1. Read and say yes or no.
1. I always have a shower, never a bath.
2. I put newspapers and bottles in the recycling bin.
3. I write on both sides of paper.
4. I use empty bottles and cans to make things.
5. I give my old toys to children’s hospitals.
6. I never leave the tap running.
Mostly Yes:
You’re a good friend of planet Earth.
You are definitely Mr Green!
Mostly No: Oh, dear! Try not to throw things away.
Don’t be Mr Waste!
2. Let's sing!
Mr Waste or Mr Green?
Are you dirty or.
Are you clean?
Are you kind or.
Are you mean?
Mr Waste or Mr Green?

pagina 38.
page 38.
Our world.
1. Match the money to the country in your notebook.
Euros and cents.
Dollars and cents.
Pounds and pence.
2. Penny Wise! Try the money quiz. Read and choose. Write A or B in your notebook.
1. A piece of round, metal money is called a.
A. coin. B. can.
2. A piece of paper money is called a.
A. page. B. note.
3. The symbol for a dollar is.
A. £. B. $.
4. A ‘quid’ is another word for a.
A. euro. B. pound.
5. How many pence are in a pound?
A. 10. B. 100.
6. Another word for a dollar is a.
A. buck. B. book.
3. Portfolio: Imagine that you’ve got your own country. Design your own money.
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units 3 - 4.
1. Look, read and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. The cinema, post office is between the pet shop and the bank.
2. The bank, restaurant is next to the hotel.
3. The pet shop, police station is opposite the supermarket.
4. The post office, police station is opposite the park.
2. Read and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. How much are these?
A. boots. B. boot.
2. A. works at a restaurant.
A. mechanic. B. chef.
3. He. burgers.
A. like. B. likes.
4. I. drink milk. I don’t like it.
A. doesn’t. B. don’t.
5. She goes to bed. 9:30.
A. at. B. in.
6. What. have for breakfast?
A. do usually you. B. do you usually.
7. I don’t like these.
A. dresses. B. dress.
8. Mike likes. the guitar.
A. play. B. playing.
3. Answer about you. Write in your notebook.
1. Is there a supermarket in your street?
2. Do you like sport?
3. What time do you go to school?
4. What’s your favourite subject?
Now I can.
• give and follow directions.
• identify clothes.
• talk about prices.
• talk about what I usually do every day.
• tell the time.
• talk about school subjects.
• talk about what I like doing.
in English.
Module 2.

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Unit 5a.
The Country Code.
1. Listen and read.
1. I love the countryside!
It’s so nice here!
2. Is it time to go now, Miss?
Yes. And don’t forget the Country Code!
3. We must put out the fire.
4. We mustn’t drop litter.
5. We mustn’t make a lot of noise.
Look at that boat!
6. Watch out!
2. Read and say yes or no.
The Country Code says:
1. We must put out the fire.
2. We must drop litter.
3. We must make a lot of noise.
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countryside. put out a fire. drop litter. make a noise. grass.
You must put out the fire! You mustn’t (must not) make a lot of noise!
3. In the park! Look, match and say. Then write in your notebook.
1. We mustn’t ride our skateboards.
2. We. pick flowers.
3. We. keep off the grass.
4. We. drop litter.
5. We. keep our dog on a lead.
4. Read and match in your notebook.
Make your bed.
Help with the chores.
Listen to your teacher.
Don’t eat in bed.
At home.
Don’t be late.
Don’t eat in class.
At school.
Don’t drop litter in class.
5. Talk with your friend.
A: You must help with the chores.
B: At home.
My Magic Files!
my Magic Trick.
Module 3.

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Unit 5b.
Yes, doctor!
a rash. a headache.
1. Listen and read.
1. You should be careful!
I’m so sorry!
2. What’s the matter?
Look at me!
I’ve got a rash!
I’ve got a headache!
And I’ve got a cold!
You should all go to the doctor’s.
4. Aspirin, skin cream, cough syrup. Thank you, doctor.
5. You should all stay indoors. You shouldn’t go outside!
Yes, doctor!
2. Read again and write a name in your notebook.
1. I’ve got a rash! Harry.
2. I’ve got a headache!
3. I’ve got a cold!
4. Thank you, doctor.
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a cold. a toothache. a stomachache. dentist. aspirin. cough syrup. skin cream.
3. Look, read and write in your notebook.
1. I’ve got a rash.
Look at me!
2. Mark’s got a headache. You should give. an aspirin!
3. Bob and Bill have got a cold. We should take. to the doctor!
4. Anna’s got a stomachache. You should give. some hot tea.
4. Listen to the doctor and write yes or no in your notebook.
Healthy, safe & fit.
1. wear a helmet.
2. watch TV.
3. wash our hands.
4. go to bed early.
5. play outside.
6. run when it's wet.
Look at Mona. Look at her.
She’s got a cold.
She should go to the doctor’s.
She shouldn’t (should not) go outside.
5. Now look and say.
We should wear a helmet when we ride our bikes.
6. Let's play!
What’s the matter?
I’ve got a toothache.
You should go to the dentist.
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Unit 5c.
Stay healthy!
1. Listen and answer.
• How can you keep your body strong and fit?
Staying healthy’s really cool,
So listen to my golden rule:
Fruit and veggies every day.
Keep the doctor far away!
Keep your body strong and fit,
You must, you must look after it!
Staying healthy’s really cool,
So listen to another rule:
Lots of sleep and exercise.
Makes you healthy, rich and wise!
• Now sing along!
2. Shoo, cold, shoo! Read and complete in your notebook. Then say.
Keer colds away!
• wash your. hands.
• play. sports.
• wear warm. clothes.
• eat a good. breakfast.
• drink a lot of. water.
• eat fruit and. vegetables
We should wash our hands.
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fit. strong. exercise. rich. sweets.
3. How healthy are you? Read and choose.
Write in your notebook.
1. What should you eat every day?
A. chocolate. B. chips. C. vegetables.
2. What should you drink every day?
A. water. B. apple juice. C. tomato juice.
3. You should drink orange juice because it’s got a lot of.
A. vitamin A. B. vitamin B. C. vitamin C.
4. Which of these is a healthy snack?
A. biscuits. B. nuts. C. chips.
5. How often should you exercise?
A. every weekend. B. twice a week. C. every day.
6. Exercise is good because.
A. it keeps you healthy. B. it makes you ill. C. my friends like it.
0-3. 4-6.
You should find out more about staying fit and healthy.
You know what keeps you healthy. Do you do it?
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
We should drink orange juice for breakfast.
Nuts are a healthy snack.
5. Listen and say. Then read.
The mechanic should check the robot with a toothache!
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Unit 6a.
lime. mango. lemon.
1. Listen and read.
1. Where are you going, Alvin?
The elves need our help. Come on!
2. It’s harvest time in Yumville.
There are a lot of fruit and vegetables here!
3. This is fun! How many trees are there?
A lot!
4. Look – limes, mangoes, lemons, coconuts.
Let’s pick the coconuts!
5. Thanks, Alvin!
That’s the last one.
Oops, sorry!
6. How much food is there?
A lot! Time to eat!
2. Read and choose. Write in your notebook.
There are a lot of. in Yumville!
limes. mangoes. melons. lemons. coconuts.
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coconut. olive oil. grapes. strawberry. melon. watermelon.
There are a lot of limes.
Are there many limes?
There aren’t many limes.
There is a lot of cheese.
Is there much cheese?
There isn’t much cheese.
How many? Not many. A lot. How much ? Not much. A lot.
3. Read and write in your notebook. Then sing along!
How many 1) lemons?
How much 2)?
How many 3), green and red?
How many 4)?
How many 5)?
How much 6)?
How much 7)?
4. Talk with your friend.
A: Can I have some grapes?
B: How many?
A: Two kilos, please.
2 Kg.
2 Kg.
1 Kg.
1 Kg.
1 Kg.
5. Rolly’s food! Look and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. There are a lot, a lot of mangoes.
2. There isn’t much, many orange juice.
3. There aren’t much, many strawberries.
4. There is a lot of, many honey.
5. There are much, a lot of melons.
6. There are a lot, a lot of watermelons.
• Memory game!
There are a lot of mangoes.
My Magic Files!
my Magic Trick.
Module 3.

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Unit 6b.
Meal time.
plate. jar.
1. Listen and read.
1. This is a fantastic meal!
There’s so much food!
2. Are there any plates?
Use an elf plate.
3. Here you are!
There aren’t any glasses either.
4. To good health and good friends.
5. Here are some presents!
Yummy! Some jars of jam and some cartons of juice.
6. Come again next year. Bye!
2. Read and choose. Write A or B in your notebook.
1. Are there any plates?
A. Emma. B. Mona.
2. Here you are!
A. Lee. B. Alvin.
3. Come again next year.
A. Emma. B. Elf.
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carton. loaf. lemonade. bottle. cola. can. flour. packet.
There is some jam.
There isn’t any lemonade.
Is there any flour?
There are some lemons.
There aren’t any grapes.
Are there any limes?
a lemon – some jam.
an egg – some juice.
a jar of jam.
a carton of juice.
3. What’s on the table? Look and complete in your notebook.
1. There is some milk.
2. There isn’t any flour.
3. There ... eggs.
4. There ... lemonade.
5. There ... apples.
6. There ... butter.
7. There ... bananas.
8. There ... carrots.
4. Listen and number in your notebook.
a. b. c. d.
5. Talk with your friend.
Is there any juice?
Yes, there is.
Your shopping bag is number 1.
6. Let's play!
A: Can I have some lemonade, please?
B: A can or a bottle?
A: A can, please.
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Unit 6c.
On the shelves.
pizza. beans.
1. What have the elves got up on the shelves? Listen and choose.
What have the elves got up.
On the shelves?
Burgers, pizzas or cakes?
No way! No! Not today!
It’s harvest time,
Shout hooray!
No way! No! Not today!
There’s honey, beans and peas!
A. B.
• Now sing along!
2. Where are they? Match the items with the numbers in your notebook. Then play with your friend.
O = onion.
P = pepper.
S = salt.
C = cola.
B = bean.
Where is Mr Onion in your picture?
He’s in the cupboard.
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salad. green pepper. pasta. salt and pepper. onion.
3. Read and write the shopping list in your notebook. Then listen and read.
I need some things to make a salad.
We’ve got some beans, but we haven’t got any green peppers or carrots.
Can you get some? There’s some cheese in the fridge, but there isn’t any chicken.
Can you get some olive oil, too, please? There’s some money on the table.
Shopping list.
green peppers.
4. Portfolio: Draw and write in your notebook.
We’ve got some grapes, but we haven’t got any apples or bananas.
Can you get some?
5. Listen and say. Then read.
Buy a bottle of coconut cola from the shop, please!
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Troll Tales!
Episode 3: Listen and read.
1. You shouldn’t eat so many sweets!
Go away, Popsie! Grr!
2. Good morning, Trog.
Good morning, Pog.
3. What’s wrong?
You’ve got red spots!
4. Help! Argh! I’ve got red spots, too!
5. Oh, dear! Red spots!
You should stay in bed today!
6. And you mustn’t eat any sweets.
Hee, hee!
Oh, no!
• Now take roles and read.
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Go Green! 3.
What colour is your food?
1. Read and write the colour in your notebook.
The. group has got a lot of vitamin C.
Vitamin C protects us from colds. This group is good for our hearts, too.
The. yellow group has got a lot of vitamin C and vitamin A.
Vitamin A is good for our eyes and hair.
The. group has got a lot of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and iron.
Potassium and iron are good for our bodies.
2. Write your favourite fruit and vegetable for each colour in your notebook.

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page 54.
Our World.
London, England.
We usually have a big breakfast at the weekend.
We usually have eggs, beans, sausages and toast. Yummy!
Valencia, Spain.
My favourite food is paella.
It’s rice with seafood. We eat paella straight from the pan with our wooden spoons!
It’s delicious!
Rabat, Morocco.
Couscous is very popular in Morocco. My mum makes the best couscous salad!
She uses tomatoes, onions, olive oil and. couscous, of course!
Why don’t you try it? It tastes great!
1. Read and complete in your notebook.
1. He usually has a big breakfast at the.
2. Paella is rice with.
3. In the couscous salad, there are tomatoes, onions, couscous and.
2. Portfolio: Write about your favourite food in your notebook.
Present it to the class.
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Units 5 - 6.
1. Look and write in your notebook.
1.e. i. m. l.
2. g. m. n. a. o.
3. o. c. u. t. c. n. o.
4. s. a. r. g. p. e.
5. o. i. l. v. e. i. o. l.
6. e. b. s. a. n.
2. Read and write must or mustn’t in your notebook.
1. You. drop litter in the street.
2. You. keep off the grass in the park.
3. You. eat in class.
4. You. wear a helmet when you ride your bike.
5. You. listen to your teacher.
3. Read and choose. Write A or B in your notebook.
1. A. Can I have a jar of bread?
B. Can I have a loaf of bread?
2. A. There isn’t some butter.
B. There isn’t any butter.
3. A. There are a lot of onions.
B. There is much onions.
4. A. Is there much salt in the food?
B. Is there many salt in the food?
4. Give advice.
0. I’ve got a toothache.
You should go to the dentist.
1. I’ve got a cold.
2. I’ve got a headache.
Now I can.
• talk about food.
• talk about rules.
• talk about illnesses.
• give advice.
in English.
Module 3.

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page 56.
Our school.
1. Match the shape to the instrument in your notebook.
1. circle.
2. square.
3. triangle.
4. rectangle.
5. oval.
a. xylophone.
b. triangle.
c. wood block.
d. maracas.
e. drum.
2. Listen and choose. Write A or B in your notebook.
1. A. violin. B. guitar.
2. A. xylophone. B. maracas.
3. A. drum. B. piano.
4. A. wood block. B. triangle.
3. Over to you! Make your own drum! Form a band – get together with your classmates!
Module 1 − Cross-Curricular Section.

pagina 57.
page 57.
Our school. ict.
1. Look, read and write in your notebook.
1. We use this to see what is on our computer. screen.
2. We use this to print words and pictures.
3. We use this to type words into our computer.
4. We use this to listen to sounds and music from our computer.
5. We use this to move around the screen.
2. Portfolio: Computer speak! In groups make a poster with computer words. Present it to the class.
Module 2 − Cross-Curricular Section.

pagina 58.
page 58.
Our school.
Health Education.
1. Read and complete in your notebook.
Be a germbuster!
Cover your mouth and nose when you sneeze.
Use a tissue, then throw it away.
Wash your hands with soap and water.
Wash your hands for 20 seconds – the time it takes to sing the Germbuster song!
Wash your hands all the time.
• after you sneeze or cough.
• after you go to the bathroom.
• before and after you eat.
• before you touch your eyes, mouth or nose.
Cover your m. and n .
Wash your h.
2. Let's sing!
The Germbuster song!
Wash your hands all the time.
If you want to feel fine!
Use some soap.
To wash your hands,
Use hot water if you can!
Wash your hands all the time.
If you want to feel fine!
Module 3 − Cross-Curricular Section.

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1. Read and compete the family tree in your notebook.
Alan: What’s this?
Betty: It’s a photo of my family. Look!
This is my brother, Tom.
Alan: Who’s this?
Betty: Oh, that’s my sister, Anna.
Alan: Is this your dad?
Betty: No, it isn’t. He’s my uncle, George, and this is my aunt, Tina.
Alan: Is this your cousin Brett?
Betty: Yes, it is. And this is my dad.
His name is Harry.
Alan: Who’s she?
Betty: She’s my mum. Her name is Jenny.
Alan: Who are they?
Betty: My grandma, Jill, and my grandpa, Jake.
my grandpa.
2. my grandma.
3. my dad.
4. my mum.
5. my aunt.
6. my uncle.
7. my brother.
8. my sister.
9. my cousin.

pagina 60.
page 60.
2. Read and complete in your notebook. Then match.
1. She is watching (watch) TV. d.
2. He. (make) a cake.
3. He. (write) an email.
4. She. (make) the bed.
5. He. (vacuum) the carpet.
3. Look and write in your notebook, as in the example.
1. The supermarket is next to the post office.
No, it isn’t. The supermarket is next to the bank.
2. The cinema is next to the greengrocer’s.
Yes, that’s right.
3. The police station is between the baker’s and the hotel.
4. The greengrocer’s is opposite the butcher’s.
5. The hotel is next to the baker’s.
6. The bank is opposite the greengrocer’s.

pagina 61.
page 61.
4. Look, ask and answer.
28. 56. 30. 15. 20. 99. 61. 25. 11. 88. 65. 74. 48. 50. 83.
What’s number twenty-five?
It’s a scarf.

pagina 62.
page 62.
Happy Halloween!
1. Read.
Halloween is on 31st October.
On Halloween.
we use pumpkins to make jack-o-lanterns,
we put on a scary costume.
and we play trick or treat!
2. Let's sing!
Halloween, Halloween,
Halloween tonight!
Costumes, pumpkins,
Trick or treat,
To give your friends
a fright.
3. Let's play!

pagina 63.
page 63.
4. Help the children go to the haunted house. Read and say True or False.
1. Halloween is on 31st December.
2. Another word for Halloween is All Hallow's Eve.
3. Children play Trick or Treat.
4. Go back to Start.
5. Dracula is from the USA.
6. People wear costumes.
7. Black cats bring good luck.
8. We use apples to make jack-o-lanterns.
9. Go back to Start.
10. People give sweets to children.

pagina 64.
page 64.
Happy New Year!
1. Let’s make a New Year’s rattle!
1. Take a plastic bottle.
2. Cover it with paper.
3. Put dried beans, peas, etc inside.
4. Decorate with glitter, ribbons, etc.
At midnight. run outside and make a lot of noise!!
2. New Year’s News! Read.
Portuguese New Year.
People in Portugal eat twelve grapes as the clock strikes twelve on New Year’s Eve.
This is for twelve happy months in the coming year.
Feliz Ano Novo!
Scottish New Year.
The Scottish New Year is called Hogmanay.
Special foods at this time of year are cheese, bread and shortbread (a kind of biscuit).
The person most welcome on New Year’s morning is a tall, dark man – this brings good luck to the house!
Happy New Year!
3. Let's sing!
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Let’s have fun!
Let’s have fun!
Goodbye to the old year,
Hello to the new year!
Hurray! Hurray!
Hurray! Hurray!

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page 65.
4. Look, read and say yes or no.
1. It’s twelve o’clock.
2. There are two children.
3. The boy is wearing a hat.
4. The girl has got a rattle.
5. The mother is setting the table.
6. The father is watching TV.
5. Read and answer the questions in your notebook.
Please come to our New Year’s Eve Party.
It’s on 31st December from 8 in the evening.
Our house is at 25 Apple Street.
Please call Emily Hall at 546 78902 by 27th December.
1. When is the party?
2. What time?
3. What’s the address?
4. Who should you call?
6. Make an invitation for a New Year’s Eve party at your house.

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page 66.
Fun Time Starter.
1. Choose the odd one out. Write in your notebook.
1. spring — summer — winter — sun.
2. Monday — London — Wednesday — Friday.
3. blue — purple — cat — green.
4. autumn — banana — orange — apple.
5. sofa — armchair — table — black.
6. trousers — bike — shirt — skirt.
7. grandma — mum — flower — sister.
8. postman — milkman — fireman — kitchen.
2. Read, choose and complete in your notebook.
eyes. call. white. children. cat.
Lost Cat.
Our 1), Bella, is missing. Please help us find her.
Bella is black and 2). She’s got blue 3).
Bella is very friendly and great with 4).
If you find her, please 5) us at 555-4678 or email us at findourcat@gmail.com.
3. Your pet (cat, dog) is missing. In groups, prepare a similar poster.

pagina 67.
page 67.
4. Find and write the numbers in your notebook. Then match.
a. 10.
b. 40.
c. 50.
d. 60.
e. 100.
f. 90.
g. 80.
h. 70.
i. 30.
j. 20.
1. t. n.
2. tw. nt.
3. th. rt.
4. f. rt.
5. f. ft.
6. s. xt.
7. s. v. nt.
8. .ght.
9. n. n. t.
10. a h. ndr. d.
5. Copy the form in your notebook and complete it.
Then talk with your friend and complete it with information about him, her.
Me. My friend.
First Name:.
Last Name:.
Name of School:.
Phone Number:.
Hello, can I borrow a book from the library?
Yes, of course.
What’s your first name?

pagina 68.
page 68.
Fun Time 1.
1. Read and answer.
Dear Tom,
Hello. How are you? Let me tell you about my best friend, Bill.
Bill is nine years old and he goes to my school. We are in the same class.
Bill is tall and slim. He’s got short dark hair and green eyes. Bill isn’t from the UK.
He’s from Germany but he lives in London now.
Bill’s favourite subject is Maths and he’s really good at sports, too! He likes burgers just like me.
In his free time, Bill plays football. His favourite football team is Manchester United!
What about you? Please write and tell me about your best friend.
Bye for now,
1. Who is George’s best friend?
2. How old is he?
3. What does he look like?
4. Where is he from?
5. What is his favourite food?
6. What does he do in his free time?
2. Write to Tom about your best friend.
3. Talk with your friend.
A: She’s got curly hair.
B: Has she got long curly hair?
A: No, she hasn’t.
B: Has she got fair curly hair?
A: Yes, she has.
B: It’s Sara Williams!
Sara Williams. Wendy Hall. Tina Smith. Betty Morris. Lisa Harris. Kelly Adams.

pagina 69.
page 69.
4. Look, read and choose. Write in your notebook.
This 1) is my dog, Rooney. He 2). four years old.
He 3). got long ears and a curly tail.
He 4). big brown eyes and a black nose.
He has got brown hair on 5). body and his tummy is white!
I love 6). Rooney!
1. is.
2. has.
3. have.
4. has got.
5. your.
6. I.
have got.
5. Look and write in your notebook.
1. He can’t swim.

pagina 70.
page 70.
Fun Time 2.
1. Read and write their names in your notebook.
These are photos of my friends.
Look at Katie. She’s playing the drums.
She can play the drums really well!
This is Katie’s brother, William.
He’s playing the violin. Katie and William are in the school band.
This is my friend, Molly. Look! She’s skiing! Molly likes skiing.
Look at Troy. He’s playing table tennis.
He’s a great table tennis player!
1. 2. 3. 4.
2. Find the differences and say.
A. B.
1. In picture A, Erlina is watering the flowers. In picture B, Erlina isn’t watering the flowers.
She is doing the ironing.

pagina 71.
page 71.
3. Ask and answer. Then write in your notebook.
1. A: Is he playing hockey?
B: Yes, he is.
2. A: Is it having a shower?
B: No, it isn’t.
It’s having a bath.
3. A: Is she drawing?
4. A: Is he swimming?
5. A: Are they making kites?
6. A: Is it raining?
4. Draw your house in your notebook. Present it to the class.
• How many rooms are there?
• What colour is your room?
• What is there in your room?
• Who does the chores in the house?

pagina 72.
page 72.
Fun Time 3.
1. Look at the map. Listen and write yes or no in your notebook.
1. yes – no.
2. yes – no.
3. yes – no.
4. yes – no.
5. yes – no.
6. yes – no.
2. Read and write the names in your notebook.
Six children are on the train.
The boys are Jake, Scott and Colin. The girls are Amy, Alicia and Klara.
Alicia is sitting opposite a boy. Klara is sitting between two boys.
She isn’t sitting next to Jake. Jake is sitting next to Amy.
Colin is sitting next to the window.
Amy is sitting opposite Klara.
Scott isn’t sitting next to the window.
A. B. C. D. E.

pagina 73.
page 73.
3. Find eight differences. Then say.
A. B.
1. In picture A, there are two scarves. In picture B, there’s one scarf.
4. Read and match in your notebook.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
a. Don’t run!
b. Go this way!
c. Clean your room!
d. Don’t ride your skateboard in the park!
e. Don’t turn left!
f. Switch off the TV!

pagina 74.
page 74.
Fun Time 4.
1. Read and complete in your notebook. Then match the clocks to the pictures.
1. a.
Sam 1) wakes (wake) up at half past seven.
2. He 2). (get) dressed, and 3). (have) breakfast at eight o’clock.
3. He 4). (go) to school at quarter to nine.
a. b. c. d. e. f.
4. Lessons 5). (start) at nine o’clock.
5. Sam usually 6). (finish) school at half past three.
6. In the afternoon, Sam 7). (do) his homework.
Then, at quarter to eight he 8). (watch) his favourite programme on TV.
2. In groups, prepare a similar project about what you usually do on a weekday. Present it to the class.

pagina 75.
page 75.
3. Make sentences in your notebook.
1. Do. Saturdays? go. you. to. cinema. usually. on. the.
Do you usually go to the cinema on Saturdays?
2. the. I. in. never. TV. afternoon. watch.
3. Sundays. She. cleans. always. room. her. on.
4. their. They. visit. sometimes. the. at. weekend. friends.
5. He. usually. doesn’t. to. drive. school.
4. Read and complete in your notebook. Use: on, in, at.
Saturday is my favourite day. 1).
Saturdays I get up 2). ten o’clock 3). the morning and I have breakfast.
Then I go to the park and play with my friends.
4). one o’clock I have lunch and 5). the afternoon I watch TV.
6). the evening I go to the cinema with my friends.
I go to bed 7). ten o’clock 8). night.

pagina 76.
page 76.
Fun Time 5.
1. Read and write in your notebook.
Karen feels terrible today. She’s got a 1) toothache.
She should take some 2). and go to the 3).
She shouldn’t eat any 4). or 5.
2. Read and say yes or no. Then write in your notebook.
1. eat too much chocolate.
2. brush your teeth after meals.
3. drink too much cola.
4. visit the dentist often.
1. You shouldn’t eat too much chocolate.

pagina 77.
page 77.
3. Complete in your notebook. Then match.
1. You mustn’t eat in class.
2. You. put out the fires.
3. You. walk on the grass.
4. You. clean your bedroom.
5. You. wear a helmet when you ride your bike.
6. You. feed the animals.
a. at home.
b. at school.
c. at the zoo.
d. in the park.
e. in the countryside.
f. in the street.
4. Look, read and complete in your notebook.
1. I’m wet. Look at me!
2. She’s probably got a cold. Give. some cough syrup.
3. Tell Ben I can’t meet. for lunch.
4. Hi! Are Pete and Katie at home? I want to talk to.

pagina 78.
page 78.
Fun Time 6.
1. Read and write in your notebook.
can. pizza. pasta. onion. carton.
lemonade. rice. jar. milk. mango. burger. cola.
grapes. packet. green pepper. orange juice.
Fruit & Vegetables.
2. Look at the picture and write in your notebook. Use: much, many or a lot of.
1. There isn’t much cheese.
2. There. orange juice.
3. There. watermelons.
4. There. strawberries.
5. There. bread.
6. There. plates.

pagina 79.
page 79.
3. Read and complete in your notebook. Use: some or any.
A: Have you got all the food for the party, Troy?
B: No, but I’ve got 1) some lemonade and 2). cola.
A: Have you got 3). pizza?
B: No, I haven’t got 4). pizza, but I’ve got 5). burgers.
A: Do you need 6). ice cream?
B: No, I don’t need 7). ice cream, but I need 8). sausages for the hot-dogs.
A: Mmm.hot-dogs! I love hot-dogs!
4. Read and talk with your friend.
There are a lot of boxes in the kitchen. Look!
There’s a red box on the fridge and a green box in front of the fridge.
There’s a yellow box in the cupboard and a blue box on the cupboard.
There’s a pink box under the table and a grey box behind the chair.
A: Where’s the red box?
B: On the fridge.

pagina 80.
page 80.
1. Read and choose A or B. Write in your notebook.
1. I fix people’s cars.
A. Chef. B. Mechanic.
2. I bring letters to your house.
A. Milkman. B. Postman.
3. I fly into space.
A. Astronaut. B. Policeman.
4. I look after animals. I grow fruit and vegetables.
A. Greengrocer. B. Farmer.
5. I’m very famous. I sing and play the guitar.
A. Rock star. B. Taxi driver.
2. Look and write in your notebook.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
3. Read and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. she got curly hair?
A. Has. B. Can.
2. Who is. favourite teacher?
A. his. B. him.
3. There are two. on the bed.
A. scarf. B. scarves.
4. I have piano lessons. Monday.
A. on. B. at.
5. You. clean your bedroom.
A. must. B. mustn’t.
4. Read and choose. Write in your notebook.
1. A: Where are you from?
B: a) I’m from Italy.
b) It’s in Italy.
2. A: What does your uncle look like?
B: a) He’s here.
b) He’s tall and slim.
3. A: What’s the matter?
B: a) I’ve got a cold.
b) Yes, I am.
4. A: Excuse me, where’s the greengrocer’s?
B: a) I sell fruit and vegetables.
b) It’s opposite the hotel.
5. A: How much is this cap?
B: a) It’s nine pounds.
b) It’s yellow.

Published by Express Publishing.
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Berkshire RG19 6HW, United Kingdom.
Tel.: (0044) 1635 817 363.
Fax: (0044) 1635 817 463.
email: inquiries@expresspublishing.co.uk.
© Jenny Dooley - Virginia Evans, 2016.
Colour Illustrations: © Express Publishing, 2016.
Illustrated by Simon Andrews, Alexandra Lewis, Alan Shephard, Stone, Terry Wilson © Express Publishing, 2016.
First published 2016.
Made in EU.
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ISBN 978-1-4715-4587-0.
We would like to thank all the staff at Express Publishing who have contributed their skills to producing
this book. Thanks for their support and patience are due in particular to: Meryl Philips (Editor in Chief),
Julie Rich (senior editor); Alex Barton (senior production controller) and the Express Publishing design
team; and Emily Newton, Kevin Harris, Daniel Parker, Erica Thompson and Timothy Forster.
We would also like to thank those institutions and teachers who piloted the manuscript, and whose comments
and feedback were invaluable in the production of the book.
Special thanks to Bridget, Chris, Georgina, Anna, Dennis, George and Jackie who took part in the recording.
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This course is specifically designed for young learners of English.
Pupils follow the adventures of four children and their friends from the Magic Forest.
• Pupil’s Book.
• Digital Book.
• Activity Book.
• Teacher’s Book.
• Picture Flashcards.
• Posters.
• Teacher’s Resource Pack.
ISBN 978-1-4715-4587-0.
Express Publishing.